
So...where’s my Sarkeesian? I want some Internet outrage over the over-sexualization of Pokemon Profs. Tumblr here I come!

Um, I don’t think his point is nothing should be serious. But silly things shouldn’t try to be serious, and Warcraft is a very silly thing.

I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies

I’ll never understand the logic of people trying to make money off a MMO. The money you make versus the time investment does not add up at all.

If you just get a job, you can make $1000+ in a month.

Good. I always hated the “star in a reasonably priced car” segment. Very rarely did they have cool guests, instead featuring some vapid celebrity fuckwit I couldn’t give two shits about, blathering on about how little they know or care about cars.

I want to star you so you are impervious to bananas.

Ignorantio elenchi much?

I feel like you’re under the impression I meant it in a negative sense, in which case I assure you I didn’t. I love tracing lines, I’ve gone through several flow games on my phone! :p

Or finding out that the goofy dude that played the clown dad in Malcolm in the Middle is going to star in a drama series about a dude becoming a criminal druglord. Oh, wait...

That is pretty dumb.

This is not the address you're looking for.

So I guess the really in the details.

This take is dumb as fucking dog shit.

Wrong. I actually love rap. I’ve been listening to it since I was a little kid all the way back in the good old 1980’s. It’s just that I don’t consider Kendrick Lamar to be a good rapper, or really even a rapper at all. I think of him more as like a guy that just kind of recites very abstract prose in a jilted and

Nope. I meant what I said.

Man, way to ruin a perfectly good track... by putting Kendrick Lamar over it.

so youre saying that cannon is canon? ;)

From the

The person who never buys anything but comes in every day for hours to complain to trapped employees is the reason why I stopped going to comic book stores. That person is always super loud and in my long time experience, hygiene-challenged, resulting in a malodorous haze around them. This person also has the most