
“best looking car in the segment”

Whose fault is your ‘wasted free time’? Who forced you to go sit in a stationary lane when there is a free one to use?

This ruined my day. I’m off to the Camry meet meet at my local Target.

Tyler Rogoway.

WTF do you idiots think that people should do when they are driving and then suddenly there is a 100 car stopped line on the left and an empty road on the lane you’re on? What is the friggin’ point of stopping, moving into that stopped line and sitting there with another lane beside you now more than 100 cars long and

If you are not a Police officer then you should absolutely not be doing this. Nothing gives you the right to block an open lane of traffic. You are part of the problem, and in many cases, the cause of it.

That 80 ton tractor is your problem not mine. If you are going to bring it on the road then learn how to share the road.

no. use the lane until the merge. Efficiency.

Kinda makes you mad when you learn you have to share the road, huh? Your whole post reads like a spoiled child who doesn’t know how to share and thinks he makes the rules.

So you’re saying that as a professional driver you still can’t handle the zipper merge?

And what if people are getting defensive about their lane 2 miles back? Or 3? Look at all that wasted asphault!

Why? Why waste all this road space? You're only making traffic jams longer than they need to be...

You realize all you’re doing is making traffic even worse right? Like you understand that?

lies. stoplights require braking downshifts with revmatching. otherwise i’d just drive an automatic corolla like the rest of the world.

But if I’m not pretending it’s a race car where’s the fun?

Synchronized gears alleviate the need for double clutching, true... but failing to rev match downshifts results in additional clutch wear and driveline shock by having to absorb for the mismatched speed differential. Heel& toe is the proper way to rev match a downshift while braking and can be a quite useful technique

Things you should never do in a CVT vehicle:
1) Drive a CVT vehicle

The cover on the front is to prevent it from seeing pedestrians and attacking them, right?

I bet it ends up with 708 hp, just to troll Dodge.