
“Real ___ Do/Don’t” Comments are fucking stupid. As much as they shouldn’t have gotten the threats, It’s decent people who don’t dothat, not “real men”

... Playboy is doing a Miata spread?

Even a completely unused 28 year-old battery would be dead. Chemical batteries don’t last forever.

Yeah Matt, but yours was red.

Have any evidence of this? Or is this a case of lolZ06?

I don’t think she can hear you. Maybe yell a little louder?

I don’t think Santa can give you a Sabine.

She is too funny! Can’t wait to see her on TG

How is it narcissism? He’s sharing unique viewpoints from behind the scenes, shit that casuals love being able to see, things that give a proper view into what F1 really is like when the cameras aren’t rolling, and thats the best you can come up with?

I’ve named him Eldridge. I name them all. For instance I would name you Herbert.

I believe that is a cheap UHaul moving blanket, which doesn’t dress up the interior one bit. A nice Mexican blanket OTOH would liven things up immensely and, in the right color, really make a cohesive statement in the living space.

I’m over the rat rod thing already, for $22,500 I want a resto-moded vehicle with a liveable interior at the least, not one featuring a dirty cracked dash, a hole in the seat and an old Mexican blanket covering the center tunnel. Yeah maybe it’s a more expensive vehicle restored but I see tons of $$$ in required

For that price, I’d expecting fresh paint and at least a reupholstered interior. CP.

Prewar aero engined race cars exist and you complain about under assisted steering. Seriously?

Alright for the price of a few Dinan parts, you could go get a 2JZ-GTE and V160/V161 and swap it into your IS300. It’s a plug and play swap, I believe. And the running gear is quite good - it’s an easy 400 whp on pump gas with 400 whp.

This. And it’s the worst if you drive a sedan. All these assholes that “need” to sit up high in their SUVs are fucking blinding the rest of us. Any back road without lines and I’m squinting just to see the edge of the road so I don’t run off it as they pass. Ugh.

All the current M cars lack soul in their exhausts. The M3/4 sounds so flat and unenthused. The M5/6 is downright quiet in my opinion.

Came for Ferrari comment, left satisfied.

Florida plates. Explains EVERYTHING. And nothing. All at once.