
Why does Marlene have such silky sexy panties?


Oh, i wasn't saying legislate the charity, just freaking start one.

You know what. F**k it! give em the 60 cents/game. Just under the condition that they put the money directly into the education system. No slander. No unsupported claims. And you know what? Set up a charity, state by state, or nationwide. Gamers for kids or something like that. If it will shut these lawmakers up I'll

Going against the grain of the other comments I'm seeing, and as a former die-hard Sega fan, I really like these designs. They're new, and while I wouldn't say they're perfect, something like this still screams "SEGA!" to me. It's something I think they could use to partially reinvent themselves, would have been great

According to the site, the 60 dollar Kodak easy share deal expired 3 hours before this got posted. 'Tis a shame, I had my eye on one of those.

It's homebrew, not bootleg.

I want on my kindle fire! pretty please amazon?

This is a tough call. On one hand, this sort of idea can lead to innovation that the original concept creators never could have come up with themselves, and bettering the gaming industry for years to come. I mean, hell, would platformers be as popular as they are now if not for Super Mario Bros, eventually leading to

Oh japan(?).

I bet it will have better acting though.

You can thank us later, WORLD, with Diamond statues.

FUCK — Facebook by zUCKerberg

How did it take THIS long to find?

I can share the shame. :(

Oh man, look at all this cocaine that ACCIDENTALLY got delivered here. Well, looks like it's time for an international party. We can't just let all this go to waste.

Ever take a look at some of the games on amazon app store? some of the top, near perfect scores, are inflated because they reward players with virtual currency for 5 star ratings. This makes me a sad panda.

150 variations of angry birds and cut the rope! IN 3D!

Hey, everyone here already knows a successful use of anti-used games tech. Steam is pretty awesome isn't it?

i would imagine that ended D'awww-ly.