You're getting weirdly defensive recently. To be honest he reminds me more of a strip down Deadshot. The fact we are referencing DC though is interesting enough when it comes to the possible inspiration behind these characters.
You're getting weirdly defensive recently. To be honest he reminds me more of a strip down Deadshot. The fact we are referencing DC though is interesting enough when it comes to the possible inspiration behind these characters.
Some of the laziest art I have ever seen. Either those pictures are a parody, or someone sucks at photo manipulation.
Oh give over Patricia. I know this is a uncomfortable topic for you in the first place but to be honest your circle running is becoming tiring.
The problem is that SEGA as a publisher isn't a trustworthy stamp to put on your product these days. The Alien and Predator franchises are evidence of this.
Hoping for the best and being proven wrong is pretty logical in my book. Making pointless sarcastic comments isn't.
I'm not even going to purchase it. Alien is my favorite film of all time but SEGA has destroyed any trust I have with them handling...well basically any franchise these days.
How dare you cast aside Raph to the corner!
It's a samurai's like calling Master Splinter from TMNT offensive and racist.
This is what you get for making a game engine and not really doing anything with it. Not only that but most of the stuff they actually make is rather meh anyway.
Once I saw him using glitches I was severely disappointed. I would class a speed run as more the game being played legitly as if you had no knowledge of glitching the environment. What's the fastest run without glitches?
Whoever you were talking to was pretty much stupid and to be honest your a little stupid for quoting them when we all know it was wrong anyway. The Vita can remote play PS4 games and as CrimsonKing said it is pretty amazing but heck I am obviously a fan boy.
Basically what you said they have milked this guys legacy dry and it is all kind of boring to me now. The problem with Solid Snake is that he barely got a 3D series of games to begin one. MGS1 and 4? Big Boss has had a plate of games and he isn't even a likeable character.
After Ground Zeroes I for some reason just don't care for this game and that's after really enjoying the majority of the MGS series. Ground Zeroes made me feel sad and I think Kojima's attachment to Big Boss compared to the fan base also makes me a little sad.
FYI after going back to that drivel of a video you can watch as she single handedly executes a selection of women from a random crowd of mixed gender civilians to "make her point". Why didn't you pick to shoot the men too? Are you sexist, or something?
Anita Sarkeesian "I like other NPCs that offer no sexual fantasy" Well then stop complaining about what you aren't interested in then...
I was rather disappointed too. Dinklage has the potential to be a fantastic VO if he wants to be buuuut this might be the direction that Bungie wants to go. Again though it doesn't sound like they tried to make it anything special. I mean he is this little rubix cube shaped robot yet they haven't put any special…
It wasn't a demand it was a theory based on curiosity. Calm down.
That is crackers. I am glad she is ok. Stupid guns -_-' I wonder if muggings and home robberies like this would decline if firearms weren't available to the public.
E3 does matter but the way it is formatted needs to change. Publishers need to understand that we don't care about stupid celebrities who have no interest in the products coming on stage to say "Wow...yeah...this is great...I lovez me gamez...oh and my new single is going to be in the soundtrack!".
I don't trust someone who struggles to pronounce words...