I haven't even played past 5% of Modern Warfare 3 -_-'
I haven't even played past 5% of Modern Warfare 3 -_-'
To be honest Microsoft REALLY need an IP that hasn't been milked to death, so I say good for them.
Seeing as I already have it on PC, I will probably rent it just so I can play with my friends :)
Currently playing through Thomas Was Alone and I actually put it in my top ten games of 2013 so far. The narrative is charming and brings the little squares to life even if they are just...squares. The music is fantastic too and really seduces you onwards in the game. You can't help but care for these shapes.
The result of sticking cigarette butts in your eye for years.
No wonder it went over my head. The joke sucked.
Sorry but what? The human body looks best when it is presented with a nicely sculpted body. Would you rather a fat man took the place of Michelangelo's David? Of course not, but knowing the internet you would probably snarkly respond with a yes.
You sure? because he is just back stepping for me buddy bud bud.
That is what is so awesome about his dodge roll. We don't even have to worry about using parry ot keep us safe anymore. Sam for president!
I believe Raiden has a back step slash attack that only allows you to jump step backwards with the added chip damage slash. The thing about Sam's dodge roll is that you can use it in any direction and it gives you full invunerability apart from Senator grab attacks.
I enjoyed it. Sam actually plays better than Raiden gameplay wise. Got to love that dodge roll we were missing.
I realise that now after skimming. I definately think it should be right at the start though instead.
Oh yeah didn't see that. Still there should be a spoiler warning in the title for skimmers like me ^_^
It is supposed to be talking about the baptism scene at the BEGINNING of the game. Not the freaking ENDING.
You and your freaking spoilers! I am just playing this game now right now and you just go and write bits about the ending without a spoiler warning? F*&( you!
Sorry but this is awesome in a funny way. It is japanese though, so what do you expect? You need to remember that their culture and acceptance of this style is way more open minded than ours. If you want to moan about it then sure go for it.
Mom, I'm going to need a bigger spy glass.
I think it is pretty awesome that your handgun is basically Robocop's auto pistol.
Really liked the ending to this tale. 'Just keep moving' definately words to live by in this day and age.