Lindy West is truly obnoxious. God I hate her.
Lindy West is truly obnoxious. God I hate her.
As a frequent flier for business... yes. I'm sorry, but I hate that because I'm sitting in a seat you can sit ON me. You can shove you stomach/breasts in my face without a basic "sorry, excuse me" like your size is an automatic excuse. I'm short, sometimes I have a hard time reaching the bin and hold up the line - I…
"Listen, Jezebel is a safe place..."
You're just wrong, actually. It's not even her kicking response, which was wildly childish and sad. It was the initial failure to treat another person—a stranger!—with minimal courtesy and respect, and then getting angry when that stranger acknowledged her basic failure to act like an adult person.
"Recently, I had to get up early for a 7 a.m. flight to attend a family member's funeral. I only had about an hour's worth of sleep, because I was back and forth between phone calls making arrangements. Things at the airport were crazy as usual, and the flight wasn't looking like it would get out in time. Right at the…
They all need to check their am-not-Lindy privilege obv.
I like Lindy's writing and sometimes her ideas, too, but I just can't with the idea that somehow this dude's offense was worse because Lindy had a hangover. Um, you knew you were flying at 7a.m.? And also, you were rude to the dude? And other people aren't mind readers who can anticipate your woes and respond…
I agree. I kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through comments thinking maybe I missed something. Her body type didn't seem to be part of the equation at all. It sounds like a story of two slightly grumpy people trapped in a plane together. Welcome to being in tight quarters with other people when you all…
Yeah, I don't know what that story has to do with being fat at all. Either the guy was a jerk or she came off rude in her hungover state.
Agreed. The guy was being a bit of a douche, but she took out all of her anger and anxiety over how EVERYONE treats her onto this one guy. Not necessary, very immature and lacking in emotional intelligence.
Mmm I don't want it to turn into a rag-on-Lindy fest. I just hope she knows that she's coming off as a bit of a pain here.
Remember: Everyone should have known that Lindy was hungover, and been extra nice to her as a result.
It's common practice where I'm from to say "excuse me" when you think you might potentially violate someone's space. Just last week I said "excuse me" when putting my carry-on in the overhead bin, because I knew I was going to be temporarily impeding a person's personal space.
Totally agreed. You kicked him while he was sleeping? I'm pretty sure he was just as annoyed to be there as you, the only difference is you're the only one who actually cemented your status as the ass in the story. And then to write about it like "look what an asshole his guy was to me because I'm fat!" You know what…
Sorry Lindy, love ya to bits, but you sound super-duper immature and passive aggressive and like YOU were the one late for the plane, hungover, and getting to your seat after everyone else had sat down. I don't care if you weight 65 pounds soaking wet, all THAT is annoying.
This whole George Zimmerman witch hunt disgusts me.
I think it's just your garden variety lack of empathy for experiences you yourself will never have to go through. I've heard similarly chilling statements from men about abortion/bodily autonomy. But.... I grew up with brothers and plenty of close male friends and I can't help but share some of the horror at the…
Yeah this is the one point I can't get my head around. It makes sense in nations/states where abortion is difficult or illegal to obtain, but otherwise? There has to be some method through which men can opt out of parenting completely if they aren't ready/would cause them financial hardship, if women can. I also think…
"Men shouldn't have to pay child support for an unwanted child. Yeah, then who the fuck is going to help pay and raise the child if not the other parent who had a hand in creating it? Ask them that question and watch them have no answer or say "She should just abort it or give it up for adoption if she can't afford it…