
i've read them a few times, nothing addresses the fact that you are using jesus to advocate theft.

Well I don't see it anywhere, could you be kind enough to copy paste where you did so or to restate it for me?

Poverty was decreasing by 1-2% a year until the state stepped in. Now it stagnates.
very few people actually starved before food stamps, state run 'charity' actually reduces private charity because people assume it's being taken care of.

Also america is the most generous nation on the planet.

As for the 'jesus said to

no, i'm pretty sure jesus explicitly stated you have to follow all the laws of the old testament.

for instance luke 18:18-19
someone asks jesus how to get to heaven, jesus says follow the 10 commandments, not only that but explicitly says do not steal.

OR even better how about matthew 5:17-20

Do not think that I have

a copy paste of where you addressed it would be nice.

yes and if you knew anything about the subject you would know there is a lot of debate about this passage.

but i'll just copy paste my post from earlier today.

yup it also says do not steal, the bible is full of contradictions, But I'm pretty sure the 10 commandments are more important to Christians than one verse in

where at...

yup it also says do not steal, the bible is full of contradictions, But I'm pretty sure the 10 commandments are more important to Christians than one verse in one book of the new testament.

not to mention context, the passage clearly states the people asking him about taxes have come to 'trap' him.

and another point,

actually you havent.

your first post was asking if i was sarcastic
your second post was talking about how lots of people care about what jesus thinks
your third post was about how Wikipedia isn't a source.
your fourth was bitching about how mean and sad it is that people say mean things about your religion.
your fifth

as if it's my fault the government monopolized those services by force.

it's like if I came to your house and washed your car without asking you and charged you $1,000. And if you bitch about this terrible set up some idiot comes along and says "lol but your car is clean right?"

hint: you're that idiot.

You have yet to say a word about it.

How can you justify theft in Jesus's name?

still... avoiding... the... point.

you obviously are missing my main point.

Jesus did not advocate theft.
the bible condemns theft.
social programs are not charity
jesus advocated charity
taking money from someone else and giving it to someone in need is still theft
taxation is theft
Jesus was non violent, the government is

you obviously are missing my main point.

Jesus did not advocate theft.
the bible condemns theft.
social programs are not charity
jesus advocated charity
taking money from someone else and giving it to someone in need is still theft
taxation is theft
Jesus was non violent, the government is inherently violent.

you're getting

I wasn't sourcing it, I was linking it to give you a general over view...

Why don't you address what I'm saying instead of getting upset that I linked a wiki article...

I don't recall him saying that the best way to help the poor and the needy was to rob people.

So perhaps you should rethink that whole 'liberals just love like jesus does' and maybe look into something like...…

be a christian all you want, I don't care, but justifying theft with

Yeah I agree, should dictionaries be purged of anything offensive?

No I'm being serious.

Charity is giving to people in need, Advocating for govt enforced 'charity' is not charity.

the government, with threats of violence, take money from one person and give it to another. This is not charity, this is theft.

Taking money from someone elses pocket and directing it to a person in need

I didn't realize christ's idea of 'love' was robbing people and giving the money to charity.

Taxation is theft.

then again jesus was an insane nut. so who cares what he thinks.

Too bad Feminism is more than just a dictionary definition.

For instance... There are many anti feminists who believe in equality between men and women.

If feminism is truly and solely a gender equality movement then why does it fight laws that make men equal to women in areas in which women are ahead?

I've never heard

People who support democracy should honestly have no problem with 'cobbtown.'

If he gets enough people to move there to dominate the politics by majority vote what right do you democracy supporters have to deny that because you disagree with the results?

All it sounds like to me is 'using the ballot to subject others