
violence is practical and effective in the long term?

thats an interesting belief, can you explain to me how having a group of people who loot and plunder the entire nation and then throw pennies on the dollar back at the people who were looted and robbed is 'practical and effective'

where there is voluntary

hate groups that will never get anything accomplished.

and as far as I'm concerned, Every CEO uses money to support lobby groups of politicians, and ALL politics are immoral.

what am I going to do, boycott everything?

if you're a moderate libertarian you're not ideologically pure.

you make exceptions for the Non-aggression principle. Whats the point of having sound principles if you don't apply them universally.

I would assert you're an extremest since you justify state violence.

My assumption based on what i've seen you post now and before and the fact you're on jezebel complaining that 'conservatives' are more organized.

Lol, this made me laugh hard coming from a liberal.

you can't be 'ideologically pure' when your 'ideology' has no real principles.
you can't be 'ideologically pure' when your 'ideology' is self contradictory.
you can't be 'ideologically pure' when your 'ideology' demands that you some how never do business with people

If I ate meat I would eat chik fil a (i hear its good)
and I will continue to eat barilla

why? Because I give NO FUCKS what the ceo thinks because it has nothing to do with their product.

more importantly.

I don't know whats worse, being in the closet in highschool or being out of it.