
Kunta Kinte

S. L. N. Rao, P. R. Adiga, and P. S. Sarma (1964). "The Isolation and Characterization of β-N-Oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acid: A Neurotoxin from the Seeds of Lathyrus sativus".

No wonder. They were made by Hugo Boss, a sponsoring member of the NSDAP and the SS. He made the uniforms for the SA, SS and Hitler Youth before the NSDAP came into power.

No, it does not. The whole thing implies that all 90+min films are bad, and the longer they get to more enjoyable they become or more tolarable. I would never subscribe to the first notion, neither to the second. And connecting 8sec and 16sec to 90min and 110-300min is just bad science, as would be connecting one or

You mean no European states, at all? Ögedei Khan's death was worse for the campaign against Europe. The second time they came, they knew exactly how to exploit Europes weak points. Like honor, treaties and a man's word. Ögedei Khan already sanctioned plans for the invasion of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation

If you want to kill someone, kill Temüjin. He is directly and indirectly resposible for more deaths relativly early in the history than any other man. His whole family was already dead, so there would be no one to "fight his cause". He was a slave, who could have been bought and killed for amusment. China would not

We already did that. We stopped Nedeljko Čabrinović by changing the fuse and the other conspirators including Gavrilo Princip. Sadly Gavrilo Princip wanted a sandwich later on and went to Moritz Schiller's cafe, where the car with the prince stopped, after going into the wrong street, while on route to visit the

The implemented backdor was a rumor, that could not be substantiated. Even after several years of research no one found anything like a backdoor. And while the BSD code gets vetted time and time again before going live, the Linux code process is way less restrictive (albeit faster to react to bugs). My guess it got

Beeing paranoid does not mean they are not after you. ;) Or will be.

Said the jews in 1938.

Not Linux. But a BSD derivate. My preference beeing NetBSD. Linux is an open door compared to BSD. Especially since the NSA is activly "supporting" development of Linux (integral security parts of linux code are based on NSA work, or software. somehing which is beeing sold as a good thing). Any BSD system is only as

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Ziyal, Mila and Damar (also Lakarion City and Cardassia Prime). We just started to realy like them, then they all die needlessly. It shows how stupid racism is, even Cardassians are people.

It is a teutonic version of an IT girl.

Scrolled all the way down not to repost someone. "Are you Satan?" What were the voices? God, Satan, Aliens or was she just schizophrenic? If so, how did the voices know things she should not? Was it all about her not paying attention to the world around her? Writing that article showed that she had above average

Of course he is dead. That is how japanese TV shows work.

The uncanny valley does exist. As most of the time U.S. sociological studies are flawed by design. Animated figures are not what the uncanny valley is about. And going from "unrealistic" to more realistic and asking about those morphed pictures, is leading, at best. The uncanny vally describes someone who "does not

To be honest, I do not like them, at all. Not to be bashing the creator, but when you go for a minimalistic style, go all in. Those look like TIE Fighter running on a buggy graphics card. The lego versions look better. And not getting the facts or details right is a big no no. One thing also, space is not gray. Maybe

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It is just basicly Tomoyasu Hotei in anime form. Like his Space Cowboy tour.

That was not her grandmother...also, yes. I loved the episodes which were not part of tempwar/xindi, which brought new things. Those little new tidbits about the Star Trek universe. ST:TOS showed all kinds of strange planets and life forms. Enterprise was best when it showed our beloved and well known life forms from

Anyone who watched the series as it came on, and kept informed about what was going on around the series will know that blaming the studio is at least 80% correct. The temporal cold war was a very, very huge burden. I know no one who liked it. Going into that was forced writing. I would not call it lazy writing, but