
Backstory: something that happened before we meet the character.

This and "HSWT 780022 3", even though made up by Gibson, it was one of the rare times a hacker set her "cave" into something that is inherintly a faraday cage.

Now playing

Yes, many times yes. He went trough all stages of beeing the villain. First because he believed in what he did, and thought of it as beeing the right thing. Then he went into revenge mode. Then accumulating power. He had his own cult, with the obligatory baby from annother mans wife. He went insane. And then used the

Nowerdays they are average. In the past they did well.

Yes. Ephedrine C10H15NO is what is inside the plant Ephedra. You take out the ephedrine and change in into amphetamine C9H13N, or to be more exact into its salts C18H26N2 · H2SO4 (two amphetamine molecules combined together with salt) benzendrine. Think of it like dried ephedrine. For meth C10H15N you change it even

More like brothers from a different mother.

Haha, reading your comments has made my day. Very distinguished.

Seeing crazy atheists argue with crazy bible thumpers, is like looking at two kids who read Smith, Marks and Engels in comic form, arguing about economics.

You posted it first. Dune. And I do not mean the ones written by new writers. Those are bad, too. But the whole series went downhill after Dune Messiah, maybe Children of Dune. Even Frank Herbert started to have things which were stated in Dune, but got changed later. The prequels went further, sometimes it seemed,

Very nice visuals. Very nice Lem ripoff. (listen to the part at the end) But, sadly so many holes in it, SO MANY.

First: Not accidentally. We are building there and keep dogs. That is no accident.

Del Torro should write it, Ridley Scott should film it and David Lynch should cut and dub it. That would be about right. Taking only the best part of every director.

Using a word wrong a long time ago does not mean it is the right meaning of it today. And masses using a word the wrong way also does not make it right. Yes, words change their meaning and some day literally will mean figurativly. That day has not come yet.

What is that women monster on top of the list? And how do we fight it?

1. Using Humans for energy: already beeing done trough waste plants producing electricity and working on direct waste bacteria batteries. Have been done, french galley system for example. Prisioners beeing used for cheap labour in the U.S. is the same thing, they replace machines with cheap human energy.

It was a double bluff. Sisko bluffed Vreenak, while Elim bluffed Sisko. It only worked because Vreenak was so condesending towards humans that he wanted to present the proof of Star Fleet lies in person, instead of sending news about it to Romulus and bringing the proof later.

Or just beings. It is used in most languages to describe anything with self awarenes. There are beasts and beings, while they all are creatures. If we make that distinction, which is already made in other languages, then we have a simple short word.

The song during the end credits gets me everytime.

Most highly cited upper 10%. Yeah, in the U.S.A. it is common practice to just throw together several other papers and recombine them into a "new" one. (They do it everywhere else, too. But the U.S. are masters in it)