
"The process consisted in three steps starting with the extraction of aroma compounds by hydrothermal treatment of SCG, followed by the fermentation of this extract supplemented with sucrose to ethanol, and the fermented broth distillation."

It was great in itself. It was mind boggling. The game even was great. But then they did an actual movie...

One sided point of view is one sided. The map should be called "where lack of water could lead to conflicts". Oh wait, the map only shows predicted heat rising. Misleading article is misleading.

Just to be clear on the subject. If you mention pre 2.WW german technology beeing copied by the soviets, maybe mention the pre 2.WW german technology beeing copied by the U.S. Just saying.

Yep. That is her. It is like these comic book illustrators using porn stars as "inspiration".

Yes, it is kinda like haiku. Sometimes there is more in less.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of a beating heart in your hands. Perhaps other than knowing it's your own.

Those are not aliens, but mutated humans. And that is not a special atmosphere, that is spice gas. They are floating in vapors of space heroin.

The nano robots from Stanisław Lem's "Niezwyciężony" ("The Invincible").

Just because the police is shouting freeze! Does not mean that capturing and freezing is the same thing. The light was not frozen, it got captured by the cristaline structure. And could be retrieved after a minute. Would it have been frozen, it would not need a medium. The atoms are used as quantum memory. Also if you

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Even after the first season they kept up the weird. Sometimes too weird to show it on TV.

You Sir cannot be helped. If you hear glam rock in japanese speed metal. You should remember that said glam rock has roots in the japanese kabuki theater. That makes it a copy of japanese culture...

Almost thought no one felt that way. Why should I shun Frank Herbert, Philip K. Dick and consorts? Maybe if I had not missed out on "kids stuff" I would have found something to hate now. The most childish thing I loved as a kid was "新竹取物語・1000年女王" and I still love it, even tough it is dated.

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Anime and Nintendo games. That is like basing your view of the U.S. on reality TV and american football. Do you not realize how limited that kind of view is?

If most asteroids are build like 25143 Itokawa then we would be truly. Messing with chondrites could make matters worse, turning a country killer in a continent killer. People think of big pieces of rock in space, while mostly they are countless small pieces. For those kind of asteroids I would still vote for the

To be honest, no. While "Star Wars" can reach people of all ages because of several aspects which make it great "A Song of Ice and Fire" is more the product of our times. Depraved sex and violence caused by compulsive back stabbing, that is what it is all about. There is no good vs. evil. Because there is no good.

I felt a jolt of happyness, like millions of creatures bursting into tears of joy, they it all went silent and a deep darkness befell my soul.

Here is a wild idea: Maybe the gut flora gets changed by the problems with HIV? And not the other way around, like it is beeing hinted. The guy who never progressed to AIDS had a normal gut flora because he never progressed to AIDS. I mean, saying that healthy patients have a healthy gut flora is like saying that

Edison was more of a perfect example for future american generations. Stealing like it is going out of style. And if you cannot steal their inventions, steal their inventors.

Yeah, that is why the big wave of kickstarter projects got smaler. Many projects never got running and people were upset, because they never cared to read what they were siging up for. Serenity cost 40mil usd, with CGI. Veronica Mars is in a similar league. The studio knows that while the hard core fans are very