
That is what we call happy little accidents. No pun intended.

Yeah, that is why it is called kickstarter. It kickstarts projects. Star Citizen is the only big project I know of, which is 100% crowd founded. And most of the money they got directly, without kickstarter. With zero CGI and low payments to the cast (no one of them is a 30mil a movie star) you can do it for under 5mil

Albert Einstein would like to comment on that.

Before my time: Nikola Tesla, too many reasons.

Not so sneaky attempt to stirr up comments trough a completly bollocks title, which would be suicide to utter on any con has been a great succes. But to be honest, almost no one did read what came after that, missing all the stuff about him as an actor. Because have to comment the idiotic title. He went to his own

The idea of a wholy intellectual being, which can shape the world to its will is as old as philosophy and as misguided. (Remember the golden age right before the big war? When everyone was saying man has conquered nature trough science? Dynamite! Steam Engines! Motor Cars! The Telegraph!) The world is way more

Now playing

Yeah, also instantly thought of Blade Runner.

Very misleading and biased. It comes around again to the same point of talking about what "intelligence" is.

Well it was a commonwealth also known as the first republic. It was also not that big. Only from the baltic sea to the black sea. And the only real achievment during its time besides religious freedom, elections and a senate was stopping the mongol empire from invading europe and stopping the ottoman empire from doing

The XKCD take on it is just tech crazy bias from applekids. I love technology. I realy do. Went from c64, Amiga to PC. Building, overclocking, watercooling, repairing I do it all, all the time. But I do not know anyone, anyone at all who could make a sharp and steady video on their phone with the first take, I have to

Ok, you have a character named "Tonto" which is like calling someone irish "Irish". Tonto is a group inside the apache people. (Dilzhę́’é)

It very, very obvious who the mole is. It gets smashed right into our faces time and time again. For those who do not like spoilers I will not go further then say: Watch the scene when the mole copies the attack plans. There is one very, very big clue about who the spy is. Also think about who is beeing build up as

It is pretty much what Stoner Metal does with Blues Rock. You can make a whole new genre out of this. Especially for those acid jockeys and gras surfers.

I was bitten several times in my lifetime. Only once was it serious. I was bitten in a tent right in the face. My face had swallen up so much my skin started to crack open, smal leasions forming all over the overstretched skin. Had difficulties breathing. It was strange enough to merrit a search of the tent. Only one

Dogs eat what? Yeah, meat. They cannot live on candy bars or onions, or whatever the "nice" people at the end used to sourvive. He teached them to eat humans, when he started to knibble on people lying around. That is why they keep him. They do not kill people, that would be barbaric, but they let the dog find those

Yep, they did not know it. They only knew SOMETHING was going to happen. No one said anything about blood squiriting everywhere, hitting some of them right in the face. Veronica Cartwright's reaction was 100% fear and disgust, she got most of the fake blood (aka was too slow). I did not see the first movie before I

I still call it Lygos not Byzantinum like the cool young kind do. The crossover to old times was very spot on imho. Shows how much the world has changed since the times of Paracelsus.

Lightsaber has it all. It looks cool, it sounds cool, it sounds cool when it hits, it sounds even cooler when it hits annother lightsaber, it comes in different colours, different shapes and styles, but you recognise it instantly. It can cut trough everything. You can build it yourself, indeed in terms of its own

I use it as my lullaby. Seriously. When everything else fails: Conan The Barbarian soundtrack=>nothing to wake you up, if you dream off before it is over. But also nothing boring if you cannot fall to sleep. I rotate it with Exxos - Dune Space Opera. Depending on the mood.