
Was thinking the exact same thing. Wanted even to write a story for a change. It is MiB all over again. A little girl in THAT hood, with a strange teddy on her back...she is up to no good.

Talking about the worst part of someones life (and knowing what it is beforehand a real "trick" indeed) makes people more sad? What a revelation. Had not thought of that. Do you think that talking about their biggest acomplishment will make them more happy? No that would be silly. Oh it is so? Well learned something

Oh Günter. "One of the many writers people buy but never read" -german translator for the Nobel Price comity. I have met just one person in my entire live, who realy red the books by Grass and I live in Germany for 23 years now. The books are awefull. His language skills are very, very bad. What most people think of

How could a non existing country turn Maria Skłodowska down? Get your facts right Mr. Gallagher. She was born in Russia, where women were not allowed to aquire any kind of higher education, at all. Poland did not exist as a state at that time for a very long time. The January uprising had failed just before Marie

Because those are not AKs. Dust makes them jam.

Cats are even worse, they always go for those with alergies and spread their brian changing parasites.

He would make a better Palleon, as a counter point to Thrawn. Also beeing slightly older. Sam Witwer would be a great Thrawn, even though he was Starkiller once.

It's duke nukem kind of fun, but for a less intelectual audience and less tities in it. Best seen while very much intoxicated or filled with psychoactive compunds.

You mean like John Rabe and Oskar Schindler? Both members of the NSDAP, John Rabe even beeing a true believer. Rabe saved 200k+ chinese people during the Rape of Nanking and Schindler saved around 1200 jews from the gas chambers of Auschwitz Birkenau.I for my part do not judge people by what they are or what they