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    Arrowhead is not being replaced. The Rams are gone (still paying off dome). Busch Stadium is still new (12% of cost covered by taxpayers). KC has a soccer stadium. Kauffman was just refurbished. The St.Louis soccer stadium will probably be the only stadium fight he’ll have his whole term!

    “Crybaby”. I don’t agree with the police but calling names is brings you down to their level. Also they have first amendment rights as well so you seem to be more similar than differentat this point.

    I feel nauseated reading your statement and hope you never sit in a position to determine a person’s fate.

    WWE could use an experienced anchor for their network. With the recent talent acquisitions in and out of the ring it is definitely within the realm of possibilities

    No argument from me and I do not want to be mistaken for an advocate.

    Two things from the linked article; 1.) Her dresser was pushed up to the window which could mean she snuck out to meet him (not exactly abduction) and 2.) She has a liver condition that requires medication or she could die.

    Zeke comes from privilege. Money will be no worry for him.

    The WWE situation is another distraction in Rousey’s life. She openly said she wanted to perform with them and then Dana White comes out saying no way. His controlling nature could have been another weight on her shoulders.

    Now a blueprint has been laid out on how to get what you want. I’m happy for the success of this movement but am left wondering about copy cats with less righteous causes.

    A lot of this seems alleged but not factually proven. The same story but just different circumstances. Interesting. Reminds me of cops who lie.

    You want to put money on that “probably three” statement of yours? Also, Stan Kroenke is not dissatisfied with St Louis, he’s just ignoring the city completely. He would rather pay for a stadium in LA than have one given to him in St Louis.

    I bet their having fun. No stress of post season expectations or a post season chase to ruin them smiles. Keep it up.

    Nope. Maddon is the one who sounds like the ignorant jerk in this case.

    Lester? Now I'm confused.

    It was done the right way. Traded a depreciating asset to make room for an appreciating asset and dealt a good but inconsistent all while clearing up alot of cash. Lackey fills a void in the rotation and that cash will be used to secure more appreciating assets. Sounds classy to me my man.

    It was done the right way. Traded a depreciating asset to make room for an appreciating asset and dealt a good but inconsistent all while clearing up alot of cash. Lackey fills a void in the rotation and that cash will be used to secure more appreciating assets. Sounds classy to me my man.

    It was done the right way. Traded a depreciating asset to make room for an appreciating asset and dealt a good but inconsistent all while clearing up alot of cash. Lackey fills a void in the rotation and that cash will be used to secure more appreciating assets. Sounds classy to me my man.