
OR, and bear with me for a moment, we could just enjoy the shows for whatever entertainment value is there and not try too hard to torturously link them through a shared continuity which will then be weaponized against the franchise at a later date.

But it’s a laser space magic burn so it’s different... That’s just science.

I’ve actually got a case of about 100 of these in my garage right now. And, no, I’m not “hoarding” them; honestly I just have a fucking wild Fourth of July planned.

Yeah- this makes it sound like they are doing it to cut back access, but it seems more likely there’s a rush on plan B and supply is limited. Especially with plan B they need to keep in stock in case someone actually needs to use it right away. It’s depressing there’s a need to stock up at all

I’ll never understand why people do this honestly.

“I wish I could say I have a clear understanding of [the White House strategy]. They do a lot of talking in code with me.”

I actually get a little nostalgic for the backlash on Wind Waker, as I learned about it through magazines and lunchtime at school. Good times with some of my friends blasting “Powerpuff Link”, while I secretly liked it lol.

As far as X Men, take your time. Give us solo films. We saw a reboot with First Class. We see how that ended up. Be careful. No more wolverine.

“pronoun culture”... you mean language?

Came here to say exactly this.

The only way we change this is by getting progressive democrats elected in the states were we can — which is not west virginia. Primary Sinema out of there, get two dems in pennsylvannia and wisconsin, etc.

But articles like this clowning on Biden and “all dems” make the task of electing

They’re all equally greedy. Nintendo just knows they can get away with it. No company is lowering their prices out of the goodness of their hearts; they lower them to a value they think will increase sales of an older game. Nintendo has made the same calculation. 

Honestly it would feel disrespectful to me personally if they recast her. I would bring back the entire original primary cast (sans Murphy obviously) and then tastefully write her out in lieu of another female character to fill that void.

But Homelander CLEARLY is against any racist bullshit or Aryan agenda. No need to argue the subtlety of that, since any time Stormfront or whatever her name was would try to talk some Nazi shit he would be like “wtf???? no!”

Man, I’m not even much into Who like I used to be, but having Morrison write even a couple episodes of the show would get me back in like Flynn.

If I ever did, I certainly wouldn’t conflate my reaction to someone else’s expressions with “following the evidence,” as this guy did. You aren’t following the evidence if you’re trusting your gut reaction on how trustworthy someone appears.

I’m just boggled by comments here implying that if someone who has been through incredible trauma doesn’t tell her story in the exact right way she doesn’t deserve to be believed.

Her lawyer should have better trained her on how to behave on the stand, and she should have had someone keeping an eye on the jury’s reactions to her to adjust as necessary. Heard looked like she was putting on a performance.”

So you’re saying her attorney should have trained her to put on a better performance.

Also, she didn’t have to prove anything.  HE had to prove that she was lying.  The fact a juror in the case didn’t understand this is maddening.

Nice of the jury to get in on the victim blaming.