
OK. The "Europe vs. America" comments are fun in their own stupid ways, but can we actually talk about the combined racism/sexism/xenophobia this woman is being subjected to for doing her job? And how the public doesn't seem to be speaking up about it?

Stay strong Minister Kyenge!!!

We never had apartheid in any European country, unlike the good ole US of A and its glorious heritage. Just sayin'.

Because women who love Doctor Who largely came on board the show during the years when it wasn't excluding women from behind-the-scenes posts. Any more idiotic questions?

I'm also going to argue that a lot of men would like to see a better representation of women in Doctor Who as well, and it is unlikely that will happen if no women are directing. In fact, Neil Gaiman opened the door to the possibility of the doctor regenerating as a woman in The Doctor's Wife, and John Scalzi likes

"We don't want a quota. We just want to see that we're being taken seriously and that we're receiving the same treatment as men—which quite frankly is not asking very much at all."

The thing is, though, that is shouldn't matter. Even if women make up only 20% of DW's audience (using the io9 numbers for simplicity, and ignoring the part where the article pointed out that this is a problem across the television industry), they still deserve a voice and adequate characterization. In fact,

I've always been really suspicious of those Quantcast demographics. io9's audience is packed with women, if commenters and staffers are any guide. It's my understanding that Quantcast bases those numbers on "typical" publications in the field, rather than polling readers, and that io9 has been lumped in with pubs like

Maybe it's wrong, but I'd rather talk about Kotaku-ish subjects in GroupThink or on Jez because I don't need 10 "Make me a sandwich" replies to an inoffensive and perfectly valid comment. I shouldn't have to participate on Kotaku and endure abuse just to prove a statistic wrong, and I'm sure plenty of women who would

Mr. Denton, I am typically not a confrontational commenter on these blogs. But let me just say this: At a time when 30 minutes from my home police in Austin are requiring women to surrender their fucking tampons (just so they can be afforded the privilege of witnessing the legislature obliterate their rights), I just

I agree with the comment about Dre, but to consider Sofia Vergara a comedian is ridiculous. Better argument with Fey, Handler, Poehl...but Vergara is not a comedian. And comparing hip hop to comedians is like apples to oranges. Is there a comedic actress section? That would seem more fitting than to lump them in

Yes, you are OBVIOUS. Now run along, or try harder.


That's missing the point, though, isn't it.

People tend to hire others who are within their personal networks. You know their work ethic, you know their product, and you know you can get along with them.
While this can lead to some brilliant work, it can exclude a number of talented people, who don't happen to run in

WHHHHYYYYYYY do so few people not understand this?!?! "I hire whoever is most qualified for the job." NO! There are subconscious prejudices playing! There always are! Very few people are intentionally racist or intentionally sexist. Most people do it on a subconscious level. AOkvnsdognsoadg

You can type all that on an iPhone? Holy shit. All I can manage on my phone is

In symphonies, all the best-qualified people used to be male. Then they started doing the auditions from behind a screen so the players couldn't be seen, and lo and behold, suddenly a lot of women became more qualified than the men they were competing against.

That's not surprising. Why else would he change the layout and make it impossible to read comments every 6 months?

Can we also talk about the very rich and successful publisher of several large websites, including Kotaku and io9, scoffing at freaking geek shows? Every time I'm exposed to Denton it's in connection to how much contempt he has for the people that are making him rich.

It stops feeling like a "quota" when you're the one being hired zero percent of the time.