
I want to see her explore this issue because I think this IS the face of racism today. This is the problem. Truly hateful racists who want other races to die are not the most damaging or most common card-carrying racists today. The days of those people holding power are over, but people like her who truly do not

One of my neighbors is actually suing her for discrimination... (She's gay).

And now, people are coming out of the woodwork saying that Paula Deen had discriminitory practices in general. People who were fired for being in interracial relationships, the fact that she had zero minorities in her front office staff...

ETA: I said some other stuff, but basically I just wanted to pare it down to this- She can't take advantage of a teachable moment if she honestly believes she did nothing wrong.

"She is guilty of severe miseducation and misunderstanding of the seriousness of the effects of this language "

If God wasn't bothered by all the N-words at the dinner table, who are you to complain?

There are a surprising number of people who believe that if they didn't mean it to be racist, then it wasn't racist. "I didn't mean to wear black face in a racist way. I meant it in a funny way. Therefore, it's not racist." It seems like kind of a narcissistic way to look at the world ("the only thing that matters


"We were raised in a family of love and faith in a house that God lived."

My general attitude about all this is still "fuck her," but from a public relations point of view, and also the general desire to glean something positive out of this, I really just wish she had accepted full responsibility for this and genuinely explored the issues behind it. It's really not very difficult. Something

Bobby Deen said the "N-word" was not part of their vocabulary at home. "That word, that horrifying, terrible word that exists and I abhor it coming from any person — ... we weren't raised in a home where that word was used."

"We were raised in a family of love and faith in a house that God lived."

What does this have to do with anything?

Wow. I'm sincerely shocked that Paula's own sons wouldn't say a bad word about her. They're not biased at all and I believe them 100%.

"It broke her heart to have to answer truthfully."

I'm sure there's a good reason. But it pretty hilarious HOW under qualified this girl was. She got a 1180 out of 1600 on her SATs! Plus, according to this article,…: "The school's rejection rate that year for the remaining 841 openings was higher than the turn-down rate for

When the hell did Steve Carell learn the smolder?!

*wanders off to Wiki Ruth Bader Ginsburg...*

If I may ask a question about the affirmative action case:

That dumb fuck was wrong too. Classless piece of shit that sullies the credibility of the court. That ass doesn't deserve to be in the same room as Ginsburg.