
He was married to Emma Thompson but divorced after he had an affair (and then became a couple with) Helena Bonham Carter starting with their Frankenstein movie. Not that it upset me at all enough to retain this information in my head forever and ever.

That was my reaction, too. I checked the TMZ link and, sure enough, it's a case of déjà vu all over again.

Well that's not a very helpful sentiment. Demonizing men does nothing to foster a better dialogue about why this happens and how we can stop it. The men responsible for this are RAPISTS. There are still (and likely the vast majority of) men who are kind, decent humans who respect women.

Adam Beach, an actual First Nations actor, auditioned for this role and didn't get it. Not much has changed since the days of Sacheen Littlefeather at the Oscars.

Ew, that's so embarrassing that he's claiming Native ancestry. Everybody and their cousin has "Native ancestry." Even I have Native ancestry. But you don't see me going on TV and acting like that makes it okay for me to dress up in redface. Because it isn't. Because I'm fucking white, and have received all of the

As someone who works for a DNA testing company that regrettably offers ethnic percentages testing, white Americans always think they are part Native American and almost never are. Few can understand my revulsion when I hear/read "my great-grandfather was part Native American" No he wasn't. No. He. Wasn't.

Fair criticism. I just looked back at the Warren articles, and they were rather positive. I think the fact that she got a pass had more to do with her politics than her race, though. Wouldn't Depp get just as much of a pass from the white readership for being white?

You know there is an actual card, right?

Well, the government decides, actually.

Why was this film made? Do we really need this particular story told again? There is no way to make Tonto acceptable. It's a horrible character. Let it die. You want to make a Western? Here's an idea: write an original damn script. Are there writers in Hollywood studios anymore, or just regurgitators?

Because it's untrue and unverified. Don't put on ethnicities like if they were jackets. Take pride in the blandness of Whiteness.

So he's Elizabeth Warren?

im not saying Johnny Depp is blameless here— after all he did accept the role and collect the paycheck. But the problem really is established directors like Bruckheimer who use the same actors for every project regardless of the role. Every time he does a Disney epic from now on, Bruckheimer will cast Depp in a

If I had a nickel for every Cherokee and Navajo princess, I could afford to buy back their land for them.

I lost respect for him when he defended Roman Polanski with the,"but he's an artiiiiiste!" arguement. This was just another nail in the coffin.

Let's assume that Johnny Depp is genuine in wanting to help and inspire Native American kids. Did he not think that maybe it would be better to a) make a movie about a real Native American person instead of a old TV show stereotype, or b) cast a Native American actor in a movie?

It's never things like syphilis.

Reminder that his Native ancestry isn't even confirmed, it's just something that he thinks he has.

But it's Johnny Depp in makeup and a hat. It's going to be such a transformative performance.

"I, a white man, am going to be a role model for Native American youth by playing one in a film. A Native actor in my place would not have been a role model."