
To get someone to say something THAT blatant in a deposition with their lawyers present is pretty impressive. This reminds me of the end of a Few Good Men. The general manager's lawyers are Tom Cruise asking if she ordered the code red. Paula Deen is all Jack Nicholson "yes, I ordered the code red." Paula Deen's

Tears of pain, for all she lost in the war.

I think that the Arnie Hammer bit can be interpreted in a more favorable light than some of you are seeing it in. From the interview, it sounds like what he was trying to say was that sex, for him, used to be about dominating the other person, but now it's about both of them having a good time. That whole interview

Excellent point. Butter knows what's up.

Wasn't Paula Deen on one of those shows where they trace your ancestry and was just devastated to find out her family ran a plantation that owned slaves? So now I'm thinking those may have been tears of joy...or jealousy. Disgusting.

I always try to see the other side of a story, to figure out if there's some way it was spun to make the quoted person appear to say something they didn't...but I cannot for the life of me figure out any way that Paula Deen was not being racist. What really puzzles me is that a presumably media-savvy celebrity would

Re: Armie Hammer - I'm a feminist but I'm also a submissive. I don't think the two things are mutually exclusive. It's very weird, this idea that getting married means that things have to get vanilla in the bedroom. As long as everyone is consenting, who cares? Also - you're okay with pulling a woman's hair if she's

Paula Deen is tainting delicious butter with her racism. I do not approve.

What the fuck Paula Deen. "Yes of course", because why would we think she WOULDN'T use the N word. Too much fucked up ness too early in the morning.

Haha, exactly. I love the irony of a Jezebel staffer accusing XOJane of using an inaccurate headline...using an inaccurate headline. And then having to apologize and change said inaccurate headline. Especially since Jezzies are pretty much the Zen masters of shady click-bait headlines.

"It's a little disrespectful to tell an editor you can write better than they can, even if it's just a headline. "

Writing an article that calls out another site for doing EXACTLY the same thing you do is such a hypocritical act that it absolutely deserves the reaction it's getting here and in several other threads.

Good for you! My opinion is that when an editor says she can't write something well because it's too hard and suggests no one else can do better, she deserves to be called on it, and that Gawkerverse runs on snark, so getting pissy about a snarky comment is pretty silly. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

For god's sake. If I mention that I wrote a lousy headline and that it was only good in comparison to what Jez used eleven or twelve more times, do you think that would help? Or are you just determined to keep accusing me of things I never said no matter how many times I tell you that I never said (or meant) them?

Yeah.... that's not even remotely what she was saying.

Exactly this. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

I totally thought the whole rape story was made up, based on Jessica's headline. That, to me, is far more slanderous than the slightly skewed headline on xojane. (Not even skewed, since other commentators here are saying that the housing is indeed on Disney premises.)

Hey there, it's Dana. My rapist and I both lived in the same DCP apartment complex, Vista Way, which is where the rape happened. Disney property, but I do agree that "At Disney World" puts a different idea into the reader's head.

It Happened to the Kettle: A Pot Called me Black.

Your own headline is even more misleading and deliberately click-baiting than the original xojane headline. Your headline implies that the xojane headline lied about a woman being raped at Disneyworld. That is, that the whole story is a lie — the rape and the location.