
Now, normally I'd agree with you, but my buddy Magnum here takes a little offense.

You're as dumb as Miss Utah

You can when 77% of the single parents in single parent households are women.

It's like a Brazilian wikileaks

Now playing

I personally believe such as Miss Teen SC holds on to her crown. Such as.

I was on a date one time and the guy said " what do you look for in a man" and I answered with the usual nonsense. Then he said "what about a relationship, what kind of relationship would you like to have." I found myself blurting out, " I only want to be loved like Gomez loved Morticia." The guy gaped at me in

The most awesome TV dads of all time were the aforementioned Howard Cunningham and... Steven Keaton.

We're always saying that feminism helps men too, why not bloody show it for one day.

No Dan Conner?????

I noticed that, too. As a feminist site, shouldn't they celebrate the great dads who raised strong, intelligent, free-thinking women? I would not be the woman I am without my supportive father, and I am so thankful for him.

I was about to post almost the exact same comment. We should be celebrating fatherhood, right? Isn't the whole point that we want both parents to have an equal hand in raising kids? Shouldn't we as feminists be applauding good fathers on father's day as well?

Not trolling here at all coz I'm an avid reader of Jezebel but I gotta ask, why is the only truly positive posting about Fathers thus far been by a man (Mike Adamick's :Open letter to my Daughter)? Why has every article or posting by the women of Jezebel been snarky, negative, and in no way a true celebration of

even marilyn, who the whole family regarded as horribly disfigured was treated with the same love and respect as everyone else. i know a lot of "normal" families that don't give their special needs children such dignity.

The episode I remember was when they had a chance to take a blood test to find out which one was the father and they both decided they wanted to leave it the way it was. In retrospect the show was the poster child for why gay marriage should be allowed. Then those 2 crazy kids, who obviously loved each other and their

Then Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince is the ultimate in bad parenting. I mean, he got divorced from his wife, remarried a woman with the same name, and then forced his poor children to pretend that nothing ever happened, never allowing them to speak of their real mother ever again. The monster.

Do you guys really want to know why I hate Danny Tanner!? I'll tell you! I'm going to get all worked up here, so please just be patient. I remember one episode of Full House when Uncle Jessie scored tickets to see a band that D.J LOVED and who Stephanie had never heard of. Stephanie didn't think it was fair that D.J

Oh, please! Why is it man hating? If a mother had issues with 3 of her children I would have the same response.

God, I hate the mommy wars. Nobody wins and everybody looks stupid.

Choo Choo motherfuckers!