
To paraphrase:
"I make my living shilling for and protecting The Food Industry, so let me give you some unverified information about GMO testing that makes it sound like labeling is an impractical option."

Point is, you are painting this as a closed-case, no questions needed area of scientific study. Based on what, one article that says there is a consensus? You are mocking people who have a genuine concern about this and not acknowledging the complexity of the issue, as with allergenic interactions.

Hear that everybody? By asking that your food be labeled, you're killing millions of innocent children around the world, because Meagan says so.

Girl, you are full of shit.

Hey Meagan — how much did you get paid by "The Committee to Not Label GMOs" to write this piece?

Duder, one article saying that there is a scientific consensus doesn't do it for me, not when SO MANY governmental bodies have been influenced by $ from GMO companies.

"Do we need to be informed of stuff that has no bearing on our health or safety?"

What kind of bullshit are you really preaching here? You are taking right-wing, anti-intellectual and anti-regulatory talking points and trying to couch them as something "normal" and "cool" by taking shots at hippies?

Nearly everything we eat is already labeled with nutrition information, as a base requirement, particularly foods that have some measure of processing. Even the fruits and vegetables sections of grocery stores have nutrition labels next to items, many as a requirement.

After the flight attendants fail to do anything, the next best step is to announce to the plane "THIS MAN IS MASTURBATING! I AM A MINOR AND HE'S EXPOSING HIS PENIS TO ME!", but that might backfire when passengers mistake you for a terrorist/crazy person, restrain you with seatbelts, and your flight is diverted to

I once shouted out "WHO THE FUCK IS FARTING" to get the jerk in front of me to stop befouling business class (it totally worked, by the way). I would definitely not have stood for this perv's behavior.

The fact that it was a younger woman is exactly why he felt he could get away with it. I'm pretty sure an older woman would have the self-confidence to report such an obvious social breach. I'm just as sure someone else in the cabin would have offered to switch seats.

Holy crap, that poor young woman. Being a cranky old lady, if any bastard tried that with me, he'd get a loud, shrill play-by-play of his actions announced to the entire plane, complete with observations about the size of his junk and presumed intelligence. He'd also get filmed and gain Internet infamy.

Wow. I wonder if or to what extent other passengers were aware of the situation. I can fully understand a teenager (or anyone, really) being too embarrassed to make a scene, but a very public shaming was definitely in order, on top of legal action.

I'm not going to lie, after the first couple of paragraphs I was convinced this was going to turn in to erotic fiction.

This is like the most mature thing I've heard someone say regarding this. If it helps, remember you don't really know how or why that person is thin. Maybe it's genes, or maybe it's because they beat themselves up about it and have eating disorders. I'm dreaming of the day when someone congratulates me on losing a

I shower with my 2 young daughters on the regular (a great time saver and hell, I get soaked trying to get them clean any other way). It's actually really normalized the human body for them already and it's a great opportunity for them to ask questions about their bodies and mine.

Word. I used to want to be an actress before I realized that A) I wasn't great, B) I hated auditioning, and C) did not want to be constantly down on myself for how I looked, or what my weight is. My mom, who I seriously love but who has struggled with eating disorders for 30 years, once told me that if I didn't lose

Because no one (especially celebrities) wants to acknowledge that getting that perfect Hollywood body takes hard work. From Zoe Saladan's "thin frame" comment to every other actress's celebrity profile that contains the phrase, "Oh I totally eat whatever I want! I just have a high metabolism! I'm just like you,

meh. Lots of people have open nudity in their homes. I think it is snarky to say that not everyone is a prude, but basically- people have different ideas of modesty and what is appropriate with regards to nudity.