
I don't really understand. If you're not a Christian, then why do you keep quoting from that shit?

She called it sexism because it's sexism. Defining someone's "place" in a household, workforce, society, or culture based upon his or her gender is sexism, plain and simple. You can have sexist opinions and make sexist life choices—hell, you can be proud of them—but you can't go around changing the English language.

With overtones of "this appears to work in my parents' household, so let it be unto all others." Sorry. Come back and tell us about apportionment of chores and wage-earning after you've been in a relationship where the person you're living with isn't your parent. Ultimately, this is not your household. It is your

I grew up in the south too, so you can stop using it as an excuse. What your describing isn't gentlemanly, it's cowardly. It's also the same mentality that gives a female employee a lower starting salary than a man.

You may not think you're sexist, but you are. And uninformed to boot! (Lucky you).

Sounds like you need some therapy to figure out why you feel competitive towards your wife, doesn't sound like a very healthy partnership.

So- you wouldn't do things like housework? Child rearing? So, the work of those who don't bring in money is "useless"? I have a whole bunch of degrees- most notably the one I earn money with, my AS Mortuary Science. My BF is working on one. While he is in school, he is in charge of cooking, cleaning, pet care,

The Good Lord really needs to start investing in better representation.


I love how everyone is rambling on about how different Portia looks and no one bothered to mention Jason Bateman's face. (He is veering into some Rob Lowe in Behind the Candelabra territory) Or the fact that David Cross is about 50 lbs heavier or that it's been less than 10 years, but Steve Holt looks like he aged 25

Oh yay; we're analyzing Portia Degeneres' looks. Again. And so soon after she's talked openly about her anorexia and her anxiety at such intense public scrutiny about her looks, too.

I lost all respect for Kanye when I saw him in concert. This was right after "College Dropout" I think. Probably 7 years ago (I could totally have this time frame off a little). He was such a douche in concert. At one point he was performing "Gold Digger" or maybe "Jesus Walks" and the whole audience was just

Are these paid internship positions, though? I think it's a bit rude for companies to be asking kids to jump through hoops so that they can profit off their unpaid labour.

I'm skeptical of this line of reasoning if only because the lack of any kind of parameters on expectations in many internships leaves to door wide open to labor exploitations that wouldn't be tolerated in a paid position. Your intern is not your PA, or your IT expert, or your graphic artist. Your intern should not be

hell to the yeah. who ever liked this jackhat? And "Golddigger?!?!?!?!" Stop singing about how your money gets you ladies, and then whining about... how your money gets you ladies. They deserve each other.

I think you missed the point. OP isn't saying that low-level employees shouldn't do low-level work, but that they shouldn't be doing it for free. It gives a massive unfair advantage to the wealthy young who can afford to work for X amount of time without getting paid. Many talented, bright people would never be able

I dated a guy who worked with him. He was told by the tour manager he'd be fired if he said anything, so he called the police, waited for them to show up, and then quit.

If that's true, shouldn't your insider report him?

I find some of this advice to be a bit problematic. It seems to glorify internships and actually accept the mindset that interns should put up with a lot of the bs they get from staff. Unpaid interships are the worst and they shouldn't exist. It unfairly advantages those who have the luxury of time because they don't

Did you hear about him trying to project his new video on the front of The Alamo? He just can't stop being an obnoxious, entitled asshat.