I see a bright future for this kid in Beta Testing.
I see a bright future for this kid in Beta Testing.
"Next, the passwords to dad's porn accounts!"
You completed missed that amazing Facebook buys Oculus Rift April Fools gag! Still laughing my ass off over that one.
Oof. You try to do the right thing and give the new football coach some shine and then, well, this happens.
The one they have up right now, dungeon defender, is pretty great.
No love for the Xbox One owners :(
Xbox Stop Listening is an actual command. When you use a voice command like "Xbox Skype", it listens for followup commands that don't begin with "Xbox". So I could say Xbox Go to Hulu, Queue, Resume Show; or I could say Xbox Go to Hulu, stop listening, and then I don't have to worry about accidentally saying something…
Hey, this is my video! Thanks for posting, glad people are enjoying it.
One thing that will help you out is just following someone around the map, doing what they do, paying attention to how they rule the space they're in.
one thing I never see people doing that throws off a lot of pursuers is jumping out of a window and immediately double jumping back onto the wall you just came through to a wall run or hang, then you can drop and get a good shot at your pursuer's back or side as they come through the window for you. it's really cool…
these pop up ads on kinja are TERRIBLE. I can't browse the site at work anymore because of the sound. Boooo
As much as I love AC, I should point out that they got the year of the signing of the Declaration of Independence wrong in the AC3.
Alright. But Survival Mode isn't important enough to me to spend $9. That's just the normal Gladiator mode without the objectives. Whoop-de-do. How about some more executions? I'd pay for that. Seeing the same 6 gets pretty stale after a while.
I bought ryse purely because I watched gladiator again last week and I needed a gladiator I'm in ny life. When I kill people I ask the Xbox are you not entertained???...I'm maximus bitch.
In my opinion, anyone waiting for a xbone release without an kinect is delusional. The kinect is the cornerstone that MS has built the entire platform around, and to think they are going to just abandon that and release an inferior experience (in their eyes and mine as a xbone owner) is just silly.
Yeah, like Kinect Star Wars.