Yeah, woe be the homeless, used game demo salesman that dares write prices on the box itself. He should use that measly $1 and go buy a pack of adhesive stickers, the savage. We wan't our second hand homeless goods to be in a condition fit for collectors, that man's sustenance be damned.
Domino...Domino... Only spot a few blacks, the higher I go...
If I really enjoy this song, does that mean i'm broken on the inside?
You mean like ALL of Blink 182? Like someone was able to get Tom Delonge to talk about other things than aliens?
Always count on the guys and gals at TellTale to bring it up a notch! Just wonder how the release schedule for this season will pan out with that of Fables?
One is apparently in the works, and seeing as there was no advanced notice for the android release, I'm patiently awaiting the day it's dropped on us. As far as windows phone in game is concerned, I still think R* giving it to Trevor is a tongue in cheeck jab at MS and their current lack of a solid userbase for it…
Where's the windows phone love?
Hahah, in my defense you can get it to happen if the person tries to exit the vehicle while it's in motion (doesn't have to be at high speed as is the norm). But yeah, at a complete stop, it does work as somedude explained (sadly).
Quick everyone, look! It's captain Literality to the rescue!
Yikes, good thing I cut my question short! Well best of luck, and weigh your friendships carefully.
Who did you lose by the end of the original 5 episodes?
My favorite is still having some random troll jack me for my fully modded Elegy R8 (because I'm an idiot and typically forget to set it to crew+friend access only after missions), watching him drive off, elated at an easy gank, then switching back to crew+friends and watching him be thrown from my whip like Jazzy Jeff…
Seeing as his only contribution to any conversation on Kinja is this particular post, I'd have to concur.
Which is total bull seeing that it's not mandatory to CHANGE YOUR EXISTING PROVIDER. But whatever helps fuel your wet dreams of a socialist president taking away your god given 'Murican rights, kid.