How was Barb a great character?
How was Barb a great character? careful or you might disprove their prejudices
This documentary really broke my heart. I feel such deep sadness for every single person involved. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since last night and honestly it’s kind of ruined my day.
“There is no historical president for taking away roles meant for white actors and giving them to POC”
Fuck you.
That sounds a whole lot like the “they shouldn’t be taking nude photos if they don’t want them to be seen” line of thinking that accompanied the celebrity icloud leaks of 2014
Those Choco Chip Oreos are good tho
You seem upset that your PS groupie “End of Xbox” fan fiction is getting torn to shreds by people who actually comprehend the direction that MS is going in
This is very close to the sort of rationale that flat-earthers use.
Dad? When did you learn to use the internet?
Sunshine is terrible?
Sure. The removal of tension and mystery is always a good way to enhance a story. Of course.
Consider the bulldog: A grotesque monstrosity born of relentless inbreeding, riddled with sinusitis, crippled by joint pain, chronically flatulent. A kindly pet? Or humanity’s cruelest mistake?
How can you even begin to guess what a child’s interests will be in 2 years?
Fuck you Samer
Don’t waste your time
I have this terrible habit of not believing in shapeshifting man-beasts
Only their careers
I hate the mouthless Iron Man armor
Are you familiar with Roman Reigns?