
Oh. Hrmm. I really was expecting this to be powered via just holding it. Like some kind of new version of a radiometer or something. Instead this is "human-powered" like a ball is "human-powered". I have to throw it. Meh.

Tomorrow, you should feature the hoop and stick!

Part of the reason I jumped ship from iOS was because I got bored. They still make beautiful hardware and consistent software, but it's the same year in and year out. Glad to see some changes. Although, the inconsistency in icon design is going to bug me a bit.

Bonus points if you have a raspberry Pi device that scores their dives on the way down.

Cue all the 'fragmentation' jokes...

Journalism in action: When one courier is testing drones, and admits that the technology is far from mainstream use, and you still go with the title "China's Now Using Drones to Deliver Packages"

Russian MBT's are not 150 tonnes apiece. The entire russian/eastern philosophy was for tanks to be individual fast attack units, while western philosophy was that tanks were supporting vehicles for troops (Eisner himself thought that the main barrel on a tank was of secondary importance to the aux machine gun for

Couldn't this be awfully useful paired with a cell enabled tablet with a voip program?

It's not like we don't crucify guys who wear too much cologne or... dare I say it... Axe body spray? ;)

Maybe it looks ridiculous, but if it helps reduce actual smoking/tobacco use, isn't that a good thing?

Wow. Let me just say that i was a smoker for over 20 years and REALLY tried to kick the habit several times. I've been free of smoke for over a year and never felt better. Ecigs do have many advantages:

Straight to hell with this nonsense.

Seriously I should wait to quit smoking using something that is 100x healthy than cigarettes all because people like you don't like them. I understand that should continue to kill myself in only FDA approved ways. Because The alternatives they offered me didn't work and I always ended up smoking again anyways. I know

Now playing

Actually, we know exactly what is in Ecigs and many studies have been done. There are no harmful toxins or chemicals in the vapor that comes off of them. There are three ingredients in the fluid and all are safe for human consumption and most likely every person on here has ingested some of them in their foods or

Come on guys let's not put people down for trying to make a healthier choice in life..just because you guys at Giz are better than the rest of us doesn't mean you should people down because you think it looks "dumb, silly" or however you put it.

The e-cigs could have been replaced with real cigs and they would have been just as douchey. Not a very good parody considering the subject of the video was almost entirely inconsequential. Douches will act like douches no matter if and what they're smoking and e-cigs rarely add much to that.

Not all of them light up. Most don't actually.

Now i love Pressy just for that video

Am I the only one who cannot listen to music with words when writing or typing? I have to put on classical. For really intense concentration, I throw on Brian Eno's Neroli. Words creep into my psyche and derail the thought train.

You didn't trick anyone with this, they just didn't call you out on your shadiness.