This is why you shouldn't pay bloggers enough to afford coke.
This is why you shouldn't pay bloggers enough to afford coke.
Keyword: high rates. High rates in China = hundred of millions. High rates in - say Iceland = tens of thousands. I guess China is picked as an example for that very reason.
Emojis have feelings too :(
An old friend wrote a doctorate on avalanches. This was over a decade ago, so I don't know if the following is outdated. In case you were unavoidably going to get hit by an avalanche, he stressed the importance of covering ones mouth and nose. The reasoning was that snow propelled by a massive pressure wave act more…
"Jaques de Molay, thou art avenged."
I think some of the skepticism towards vaccines came from how the "Swine Flu Pandemic" was handled a couple of years back. I personally would not want that vaccine in my body. I simply did not see any reason to after looking at statistics from countries the flu had already passed through. Nothing more than an average…
I may have become too used to a lack of love for the written word among journalists and other mass producers of text. Then again I understand they have to work at a certain pace. Wouldn't be fair of me to hold them to the same standards as authors spending years nitpicking their novellas.
You "put it to use" any way you want. I prefer to utilize.
Not an empty phrase if you start with the conclusion of an event to peak interest in what took place. It's all about storytelling. Which this article has never heard of.
"That being said" may be used as an indicator of change in direction or exposing ones ability to see that what was just said may not be the entire truth.
It is used to stress importance, not emphasize certainty.
How boring literature would be if we cut off the crunchy bits and boiled it all down to machine-code...
That's not proper utilization of the word use. There is a difference.
I should probably not say what I thought the headline was before I actually read it.
The Suns output doesn't change a lot. Our capability to harvest that energy is merely in its infant stages. It's sort of like saying how 'explosion engines' can never be viable for human transportation.
Whoa! That's a two year old statement you're talking to. DST does not affect how many hours of daylight there is in a day cycle. It only shifts it around.
Set up a Dropbox account and have your torrent of choice monitor your Dropbox folder to automatically download any .torrent you put there. Most clients should be able to monitor a folder.
You can buy and sell Bitcoins like any other commodity or currency. Difference being that you trade them either directly or through various Bitcoin brokers - not on the stock/commodities market. Which makes it sort of an annoying currency as you no longer just shop around for the best product price - but also the best…
Does spending too much time on the internet and typing out lols subdue ones ability to spontaneously laugh in 'real life'? I dare say mine's slightly affected.
Didn't work too well for NotionInk in the tablet market. Can't remember why, tho. Sort of flopped before it properly hit the market, I believe.