
Not to be a contrarian... but you can do set up this and let it work it's magic while having as many excellent hot-brewed coffees you want in the mean time.

My dad used to say that whiskey don't cure colds, but it sure makes being sick a lot more enjoyable.

It's chocolate cake. Everything is optional. The more chocolate, the better ;)

"The Google Play music player is currently available in select territories." :(

Streaming services have a good selection, but they don't have everything I want. I also prefer using a tiny little media player (Sansa Clip+) to play my music when on the road, over using a cell phone with no physical buttons. I also prefer not using up my cell phones battery and data quota on streaming music. I only

Audiobooks has an added benefit for me. I spend a lot of time on the internet and skimming through boring papers in my daily life. So, reading in itself is not as relaxing as it once used to be. I often find myself starting to skim through books when I read them. With audiobooks, they require my full attention, and

You are assuming people are always wearing clothes. Which may not always be the case. On the other hand, if you leave your house without any clothes on, chances are sooner or later you will bump into someone who are. I'm sure they don't mind a quick rub from a random naked stranger.

The ultimate fix to the P.O.S file manager Windows Explorer is (and has become even more so since Windows Vista), is to replace it with a proper tool. Like Directory Opus.

... can't really expect anyone from a country younger than some Czech breweries to get it right... can we?

Foobar, no doubt. WinAmp used to be good, but went the way of bloating itself into something almost resembling an entire OS. Mediamonkey is great for tidying up those messy folders full of randomness. Still, for playing music, nice and simple and no-fuss. Foobar. Tabbed playlists and ability to not overwrite your

Or, you could use your index finger.

Computers being in the hands of people not interested in computers for the sake of computers is just a result of technology advancing and getting more available.

First appointment after lunch makes sense on several levels. An article I read a while back about judge rulings during the day comes to mind:

It makes me assume they're arrogant pricks and generally don't care for anyone but themselves.

Then there's the Saddam shake. Upper arm parallel to ones body, 90degree angle in elbow.


I set my radio to start streaming Groove Salad or something else with chill music 10 minutes before my alarm goes off. That way I don't even have to open my eyes before the alarm goes off, and still know I'm on schedule.

Open mouth. Insert salad. Tool used is secondary.

It's very rare you get to see a yet unreleased MMORPG that doesn't promise to change everything. The closer it gets to launch, the more it gets trimmed down to the same old same old.

As opposed to what makes up the rest of the internet... well... *cough* ... porn?