I've found settling for being content makes me overall happier.
I've found settling for being content makes me overall happier.
I don't mind, but I question the mentality of those who insist on including specific phone model.
I suppose this won't apply to atheists and agnostics?
Don't think anyone is strictly either, tbh. Take your average stereotypical introvert. Add another of the same kind with shared interests. Where did the introversion go?
There's a difference between being somewhere geographically speaking or politically. Unless you've passed through the airport checkout, you're not "in Russia", you're in transit to Russia.
Now THAT would be something.
Indeed! I went from "how many mAh FFS" to ... "hmm, where can I order".
Ground beans —> fill half full / half empty (your choice) with water —> stir for a few seconds —-> fill rest of water —> proceed as usual.
Couldn't help it and cheat a little. From wiki: "Gunpowder would not burn in rum that contained less than approximately 57.15% ABV"
Kickstarter it, imo.
Oh it's that guy. The one taking notes on an iPad during meetings. Always wondered what it took to be that guy. Now I know.
This article is definitely the genuine article. I'm off to take over the world!
How about an article on the various sites where you can buy directly from the farmers? There's some good ones and some scam ones... but which are what?
Blind test: Do you like me more... now?
I agree with miltont response. My sisters friends niece lost her job 4 weeks ago and is currently making 94 spam posts every hour. Last month she made 8372902817 spam posts. Can't be bothered to supply fake link.
If an SSD has an average write cycle life span of 10.000, how many days could you let your pagefile eat up your *entire* drive? Not like it would, but theoretically speaking. Wait, make that how many decades. 3.
It's the same kind of math that gives you a free phone if you agree to pay for it the next 2 years.
The simple cure is more Brawndo.
Uh ohh... you just opened a can of Soy Sauce Debacle!
AFAIK, yes. Can't think of the last time I saw an in-app ad. Then again, I use mainly paid apps.