
Didn't know they spun that fast. Keeping in mind birds kamikaze all kinds of manmade (and not) stuff, I doubt this is the ultimate solution. Some kind of coating like used on windows could possibly help?

Ofc! You know they got 3-titted girls there, right?

Replace "dangers spinning blades pose on birds" with "shit birds fly into" and this article makes no sense. We're not talking a 200" blender here.

It is known.

I can sort of agree. Some heli pilots seem to think that if they can pull of some crappy resemblance of a piroflip, they're at the top of their game. Doesn't look great or entertaining imo.

Will that be one, or all three wishes to make sure?

If you're genuinely interested in getting started, I'd say get a simulator first. Like Phoenix or RealFlight. You'll save tons of money in repairs. Then, for relatively cheap 3d capable helis, there's the Blade MCPX or NCPX. Both very small, somewhat underpowered, so don't expect crazy 3d without modding. But they do

Different rules for different fields. However... see that guy next to the Zero pilot? He's a "spotter". His purpose is to warn the pilot about possible dangers. As for positions, there's a "flight line". You stand on one side and fly on the other. No flying over peoples heads. Or they might come off.

Definitely! You won't see a 450 sized $30 helicopter flying inverted. That takes collective pitch control, which you won't see in toy-grade helis. Basically, the rotor blades change angle-of-attack (pitch), as opposed to fixed-pitch toy grade helis. This takes complicated electronics and/or mechanics and a few servos

Now playing

If you're not inverted, you're doing it wrong.

.... and about a third of what it costs in Norway for a decent cup... if you can find one.

Yes, 190 years ago they knew all about how liquid moves on on the outside of nanowires and pooled up at intersections.

Oh it's that guy. The one taking notes on an iPad during meetings. Always wondered what it took to be that guy. Now I know.

This article is definitely the genuine article. I'm off to take over the world!

How about an article on the various sites where you can buy directly from the farmers? There's some good ones and some scam ones... but which are what?

Blind test: Do you like me more... now?

My vote is for DST all year round, then ;)

In all fairness, it's just me living too far north. We do get really really long summer days, so guess it's a fair trade-off. Just sucks in the middle of winter when every daylight hour is spent at the office.

Going to work in the dark and coming home from work in the dark doesn't make life wonderful. You're living too far south to have any say in this.

""It's been laminated. We stiffened it with celluprime and then we veneered it down, about seven thousand layers. Each one has plastic of at least two molecules thickness. This mouse can't spoil. As a matter of fact, this mouse is going to keep on thinking forever. He won't think much, unless we put the voltage on