
No Sunday early voting often gets overlooked but is seriously fucked up as a means of vote suppression. When early voting first started, lots of churches (subtext: black churches) organized “Souls to the Polls” events where after Sunday services they would bus congregants to their polling places to vote.

It is really sad to see what’s happened to North Carolina since the Tea Baggers got control.

Starred by a white North Carolinian. It’s been disenfranchising seeing my state’s true nature come out. This is not the NC (or the US for that matter) that I thought I grew up in.

Much good it did them. Nate Silver just put North Carolina in the blue column.

As a black dude currently living in NC, I made sure to cast my ballot early. Here’s hoping McCrory and Trump have a bad day tomorrow

Black North Carolinians: Please vote tomorrow and fuck their shit up. Sincerely, White New Englander

...did I miss something? Who are Mathews, Scannell, and Field?

And it was literally all because he wanted to legalize pot. That is the first thing any supporter will tell you when they make their sales pitch. So many of my pothead white male friends think he’s the greatest (as well as Ron Paul) simply because of that and a few other issues he’s somewhat sane on, while ignoring

To be fair, 6% is really good for how little he actually brings to the table. imagine if he actually knew anything useful.

I’m so confused—did he actually think he had some sort of chance in hell and it’s finally all of a sudden dawning upon him that it’s not gonna happen?

Lewis also asked about Evan McMullin, who’s polling very well in Utah, where he’s from. Johnson didn’t like that either, sniffing, ““It’s a bit of a stretch to be comparing my candidacy with his,”

I liked it at the time, but I can’t watch it now. Lorelai and Rory annoy me so much. Well, Rory annoyed me then, too. But all the other characters helped me get through it. But now I don’t understand why these women have friends.

Agreed. This looks equally awful in a really delightful way. Delightfully awful.

Maybe that’s what I’m forgetting...

The original was kinda awful. But in a good way.

Nicole Kidman is another. She turns in the kind of performances that everyone “respects” and no one enjoys.

There was one comment by Hillary at the Catholic roast thing that I’d love to see a ruling on. She pointed out Bloomberg sitting in the room and said “It’s a shame he’s not speaking tonight. I’m curious to hear what a billionaire has to say.”

Not sure why these didn’t catch on:

Seriously. I live in Hillsborough! Orange County is 5 to 1 Democrats to Republicans. Not a place that is a hot bed of party tensions usually. It’s solid blue here.