
andrew bird and fiona apple did a song together and the video came out today.

We’re taught a lot of wrong things.

That’s what I don’t get here. To avoid speaking ill, there were two huge topics to avoid: her abysmal response to the HIV epidemic and her role in the failed war on drugs (there are probably others but those two come to mind). Why would Clinton pick one of those two? There are so many other things to say about her.

There have gotta be about 978974654654654 ways to avoid “speaking ill of the dead” that don’t also posit the motherfucking Reagans as thought leaders on the AIDS epidemic. Gimme a break.

Some people have all the luck. They get to be attractive, tall, Presidents and First Ladies, and have beautiful and intelligent children. Sigh.

I also love the colors, but then I graduated from Clemson so I’m a bit biased.

You the five years we dated, I saw him kinda do this one thing. It was like a “dick raise” where he’d tie the weight around the base of his dick, and then stretch it out a bit before he did like...raises. He made it move to sort of lift the weight slightly.

I looove Torres but even she couldn’t save that awful season.

“And we want to treat this with the seriousness it deserves, so we’re going to put you on GMA. Your segment would be between Rachel Ray and the winner of the Westminster Dog Show.”

She’s the actress who had no business playing Lois Lane, as she looked 24, 12 years after Superman 2

Don’t forget that the Brother Lovers also have their own bonus jonas.

Remember when it wasn’t absurd the think a cocktail waitress at a mediocre bar could support herself and her 5 kids on one income?

I’m seriously ready to create a human chain around the White House in January 2017 so they can’t leave. Like Jesse Spano at a drilling site. #HumanChain2016

scandalous underthings tend to pop out for us when we’re on vacation; otherwise, yeah, it’s basically “wow, your boobs look so awesome in that t-shirt/i can see your dick through those basketball shorts, rad”, and then cue the banging.

The slash literally no one wanted.

Exactly! We’re a team, not two opposing teams trying to use game theory to optimize results.

Two things:

Bernie Sanders has a plan to outlaw all period pain if you dum bitchez would just LISTEN!!11!

It’s a poll tax, and it’s not allowed under our Constitution.