
I mean, if you do it, isn’t it by definition “in your nature”?

Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

My favorite line of the night:

Was vacillating between screaming “JUST FUCK STAN, PEGGY” and “OH JUST RUN AWAY WITH PETE, PEGGY” last night

Yes! I thought, “So this all ends with me liking Pete the most?!”

I think she bears the brunt of it too because she has the TEMERITY to have a weight that fluctuates. The only thing worse than being fat is being fat and then SOMETIMES NOT BEING FAT. <GASP>

I know a mayor, she's pretty mean. When she gets mad she'll cause a scene. She don't throw rocks, she don't throw beans, she don't throw insults or any of these. She uses Vaaaaaaaaaseline.

I used to watch it on days I stayed home from school and hope for something like this. Now I know I wouldn’t want it. I WOULDN’T WANT IT!

My sister is currently traveling in Europe. Her travel buddies pranked her by telling her that the lights for the hostel (the shared community shower) were clap-on.

You may get into a few arguments.

Gay sex on the track

Also, The Americans, if you watch it, has Paige and a son whose name I can't remember.

I think the kids on The Good Wife are a great example of the issue you're talking about here – they're all over the map, character-wise, like the writers haven't known exactly what to do with them. It's only been in the past couple seasons, as they've started to leave childhood, that Zach and Grace have been fleshed

I'm going to guess that part of the discrepancy between recollections about "whether we had sex the night before" is how each person defines sex. My partner and I had had a few heated arguments about not having "enough" sex, before it became apparent that for one of us "sex" only counted if there was PIV intercourse

"Your tone of voice was rude." "No it wasn't." "You didn't say you'd be working late." "Yes I did." "I told you we were having dinner with my mother tonight." "No, honey. You didn't."

"My hamster was scared."

When I was in eleventh grade, my depression was getting out of control. I was actually about two months away from a suicide attempt, but obviously didn't know that yet. I was taking chemistry with an evil teacher who clearly hated students and was just waiting for full pension. He was a bully to his students and I

Real conversation from about 4 years ago, between me and my husband who was supposed to have quit smoking:

One time a boy I liked in high school told me he couldn't hang out with me because he had just gotten his hair cut. I texted him about hanging out in the early afternoon, inviting him to hang out with me and my friends that night (I think I texted him at 2 PMish to ask if he wanted to chill at 7 PMish). He told me he

"I hurt my back wearing a kilt."