
"feature a more lively pace than previous titles."

Hope Planet Cracker plays like Star Control 2. I love that game.

This one looks so much better. especially the face.

@Manly_McBeeferton: IGN has a detailed preview. These screenshots seem to show the ability to tame wild horses. You actually have to tame horses to ride them. You cant just hop on any horse. Also, if a bandit tries to ride away on your horse, you can whistle and the horse will buck the rider off.

@Rebochan: characters =/= gameplay mechanics. But el oh el at you bringing up generic characters/story against JRPG's. Land of the "oh no im a lil kid my village is burned and my parents died" That was only used once, right? Ha.

@FearfulInsomniac: Where was I being upset? I was just stating my opinion on Japans state of game evolution. Hardly upset. Probably the main reason japans game industry is failing.

@Ueziel: Toddler? Cant imagine anyone near adult age can be so upset over this.

@FearfulInsomniac: Geez you're really upset over something so trivial. "Im gonna call someone stupid and arrogant over some videogame argument . That'll make me look good. Hurr"


@Ueziel: I can walk as long as I want in FO3 without getting in battle. Something you cant do in a menu-simulator. You dont walk around and RANDOMLY go into battle. Youre really delusional kid.

@FearfulInsomniac: Oh no! The ol' "I dont agree with his opinions and I cant believe he has a star" comment.

@Ueziel: Sure thing. Youre the one that thinks random battles and enemies you can see for hundreds of yards away is the same thing.

@Seiryuu: Yeah lets change the rules of a sports game. Great idea chief.

@Ueziel: Oh thats so precious that you actually think that. In a random encounter game you cant go to point A to point B without getting attacked and forced into a battle. You can easily avoid battles OR you can willfully attack an enemy in Oblivion and FO3. Neither of which options you can do in a random battle

@PsychoNun: Yes. Is there anyone playing anything else besides halo 2 on Xbox?

"Your fights will be random battles. "

"(sorry, Dreamcast)"