
@spykr: I know its multiplayer only THATS WHY ITS A RETARDED SALE SINCE ONLY GOLD MEMBERS CAN BUY/BENEFIT FROM IT. Holy shit you people are dumb.

@Komrade Kayce: Uh, thats the thing. Youre not able to buy this game with a silver account. At all. It doesnt let you. Hence why this sale is stupid. They should of made the last sale worthwhile for all accounts.

Funny, all of these sales were for silver and gold, yet the last sale can only be downloaded by gold users.

@donewithit1: Seriously. This place is now filled with Japanophiles defending "their" glorious country when anyone talks bad about them. Its disgusting.

@masterbkke: Oh yeah those kinda games have never been made before. pfft

@masterbkke: And you listed off japanese remakes, sequels and a reskin of devil may cry.

@Helba: JRPG's are not traditional. Theres a reason for the J in JRPG. Its a sub genre of what a real RPG plays like.

@Thut: His opinion is on the characters action. Not the game. he knows the character much better than the game designer

@Thut: His opinion is on the characters action. Not the game. he knows the character much better than the game designer.

You kiddin' me Kotaku.

Cosplay was invented in America. Once again Japan cant think up anything for themselves and steal someone else's idea, try to improve it and try to get credit for it as well.

@idlevagabond: I bought a buncha games myself. But someone gifted me the freedom force pack. That game is so damn fun I had no idea.

A lot of Steam games. I hate you Steam.

@Jnas: Stuff some Pocky in your turkey.

@The Cap'n: The hell does that have anything to do with this? Not only does it have nothing to do with the story- you take a jab at the US like the typical bigot here on Kotaku.

Different Colored Clones: It's a feature!

@RawrSpoon: Only if you stare at them for too long. yeah they only spy check spies. But its still beta. And valve hasnt even implemented Spy bots yet.