Considering how bad melee is right now (you can be 20 feet away and get hit). Im skeptical.
Considering how bad melee is right now (you can be 20 feet away and get hit). Im skeptical.
@maraxusofk: cool memes bro
@-MasterDex-: First person rape is not innovative.
@bkchurch: The one guy who didn't buy Modern Warfare 2: You sound more like you jerk it to JRPG's.
@FrancisEdwood: Quite possibly the stupidest excuse ive read. gj.
metacritic LOL
Video Game Graphics in the sky. When do I start my job at Kotaku.
@Testamonium: Well, I mean she's praising herself for being at top at a Gamerscore leaderboard site. If gamerscores meant nothing, why did someone create that site? It obviously means something to those people. She brags as if its an accomplishment to get achievements with the help of someone else, and not getting…
If youre boosting each others gamerscore, whats there to be proud about. Its not like they got to the top fairly.
@Conanthecanadian: What a terrible rebuttal.
@SolidMetalSnake: At least listen to Halo music before you look retarded.
@DaveKap: I was thinking the same thing.
@kylenalepa: Well the receipt says 6 games. He only got 5.
Hey thats my avatar :D
What pooped that out?
Wow Caesars. Nice. Definitely a step up from the Tropicana hotel. What a dump.
@deanbmmv: God bless America for inventing video games.
@Conanthecanadian: *spoilers for alien movies*
@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: You mad.