
Picture of girl. 174 comments.

Team Fortress 2 is back at the $2.49 price

@Yin: No im spot on. They hate anything American made or just go against anything American. Like covers. Ive seen serious comments on this site that said "I would never play a game made in America". #thelegendofzeldaspirittracks

Oh the EU cover is superior. Link is so kawaii and peaceful. Not like that baka gaijin US cover where its all violent and evil T_____T; #thelegendofzeldaspirittracks

This is like the 4th avatar game thing MS has made for the dashboard. Why is this getting coverage now? Kotaku needs to pay attention.

@kookro: Yeah Jube, forgot his name. I saw him make the decals on At first I thought they were premade for forza. Theyre that good. #forzamotorsports3

Now we need a PS3 YLoD pumpkin and the balance is complete. #culture

@kyle4: Youre seriously talking as if you just finished playing Bioshock 2. #bioshock2

@MrBionic: And why exactly are you glad about that? Hate keeping up with whats going on in the world? #dashboardupdate