
@Adonai: Yeah man. Giant sword. spiky hair. Tons of belts and pockets. So original...

@Sir-Lucius has no pictchar!: its like they stripped Halo's manhood. From the beginning that guy running over to that table like a lil kid. wtf is that. Then theres already the generic young anime kid at the ODST table thats annoying as hell.

Why do anime's have to perceive adults like children? i shook my head when that guy ran over to the other table like a kid. God this is hard to watch.

They dont even look like they have jubblies.

@bangbangblah: Great multiplayer maps never get old. See: Counterstrike, Quake 3

Wow thats crazy.

TF2 and Killzone Liberation

JP cover leaked

@IvanDashSmith: Holy shit that looks fucking awesome. Good decision in my opinion.

@bennifer3000: Isnt there a huge topic about the boycott and people making fun of it?

Awesome. Now I can boycott Shadow Complex and Scribblenauts. hurf durf!

All five? That should be free just for purchasing 1 DLC.

@Paradox me: I love how you bring up 2 different points and try to fuse them as one. No one cares about cheating in an offline single player game. But when you manipulate a leaderboard, where people are actually competing with each other, then yeah, they should be punished. Theyre ruining the game for others.

@deanbmmv: What are you talking about? Have you seen the shadow complex leaderboard? The top 5 players have scores like 999999999999. And it does compromise the game because no ones able to compete with that.