Watching the one guy have his face stomped in was difficult. I don't understand how the aggressor could keep kicking once he was clearly unconscious.
Watching the one guy have his face stomped in was difficult. I don't understand how the aggressor could keep kicking once he was clearly unconscious.
Look, periods ARE gross. Bodily fluids of all kinds are gross. I don't hear anybody waxing poetic about the miracle of life every time they take a shit. It's gross! That's fine, we don't have to be pristine perfect lady flowers all the time, we're allowed to be carnal and physical and gross and real.
What isn't cool is…
"Looks like this troll's..."
[takes off sunglasses]
"...on ice."
[slips on ice, cracks head open like a melon on ice, oh the blood, oh my god the blood, so much blood and brains and vein tissue everywhere, Jesus Christ there are children here, oh his eyes - HIS EYES - one is looking right at me, oh dear sweet…
I think anyone who wore that dress would have been compared to a couch. Because, well, it looks like couch fabric. Nothing to do with her weight, but the girl looked like a couch.