Sorry guys, everything has already been tronified.
Sorry guys, everything has already been tronified.
@cesariojpn: Is A Serbian Film on DVD yet?
@killakoopa: Thats not a crime.
@killakoopa: Arrested for what? Convicted for what? There is no crime. Its copyright infringement, a civil matter.
@Zom-B: Not quite sure what you're trying to say here, Bethesda does nothing but support the mod community. Most mods are created using official tools.
@arrrdawg: I know what you mean :P
@Luke Plunkett: But its the Writers Guild Awards...
I like the name Sandy Bridge, its euphonic, like Cellar Door.
@N-Robes: It was a joke :P
They could use some anti-aliasing.
My gaming PC is also my recording PC, I have a set of SSH440 headphones, an SM58 microphone, and a Lexicon Omega.
@KaiserSpiegel: Actually, it points to magnetic south, and labels it north.
I use a pair of SRH440s, and an SM58 going through my Lexicon Omega.
@Devildoll: 1826 x 1026, I'm a non conformist.
@Fluorine: No offense, but thats a pretty lame way to reduce your sugar intake.
I live in a country where hunting mammals is the only way to keep the ecosystem in check.
No kanji?
@immafattie: Go in the autumn or spring, those are definitely the most bearable times heatwise.
Price on steam in NZ/AU - US$89.99.