You have to wonder about someone who sees a strong (to the point of being psychotic) character like Jack and decides to portray her as a lost and broken little girl.
You have to wonder about someone who sees a strong (to the point of being psychotic) character like Jack and decides to portray her as a lost and broken little girl.
Any article which begins with a TMBG reference gets extra points from me!
@bakana: I bet from the moon you could really SEE THE CONSTELLATION. Uh, constellations. Like, a bunch of them.
Now, if they can get They Might Be Giants to do the score, I'm there.
@2c-b: Do you boycott shops which prosecute shoplifters, out of principle?
@Tabarnaco: I know! They even spell it, "teh frawdz" when they email me about it. I must have been drunk when I opened that account.
And it's only 10p on the UK version of the site. I was tempted, but whenever I buy something small (single MP3 or similar) my bank goes OMG TEH FRAWDZ!!! and puts a lock on my card.
@skywalker24: It wants to hurt you. My new microwave has instructions on how to use foil when microwaving. Seriously, microwave ovens want us dead. They're the vanguard of the robot revolution.
@HoneyNepos: no it didn't. It's just 4 comments below this one.
Yeah, but this is the internet.
@Mark_Luther: That'd make a great movie. It'd be like the Ladykillers or a roadrunner cartoon.
If Rockstar bring RDR to the PC, then I'll take an interest in new games they have planned.
@ultra76: "Why didn't you tell me? I'd have played it differently." He just answered his own question there, I reckon.
They remind me of the Founders from Deep Space Nine.
@dafleming71001: Nice one.
It's certainly the Zorkiest.
@99TelepodProblems: Ha ha!
@99TelepodProblems: I'm very much afraid I may well have done, yes.