Maybe perhaps it's mistakable for the better choice of emoticons when it comes to insults:
Maybe perhaps it's mistakable for the better choice of emoticons when it comes to insults:
Going out of limb here I'm going to assume that they are going to offer tiered plans only on Verizon's LTE network.
@StupidPopMediaReference: Scruffy doesn't agree with Verizon's motives.
@JakeMG: Don't Panic: I wonder if Verizon's brother, Captivate, will ever receive the update too?
@verspasian: "isn't this the first hardware keyboard ever from Samsung?"
Well it would have to be a more solid handset than it's previous generations, obtain a tad better specs than the Epic 4G (which is the leading qwerty 4G handset right now) and has to have at least 2.2 or better running at launch.
@Kaiser-Machead: I always thought the smaller the explosives the more likely the content of actually igniting/arming the bomb.
The weirdest name of a NASA aircraft? The Balls 8 .
@IncrediBurch: If it doesn't happen anytime soon, I'll be sure to root when we get a stable gingerbread ROM release.
So that would mean I can turn my hot boiling water into snow too!?!?! Awesome!
@bigcamcrsx: Because of the fact that Jay Leno has 200 vehicles or more in his possession, he doesn't have the garage space to present his collection in a fashionable matter.
Finally a coffee machine for me!
Great what's next? You're going to tell me that the stuff I buy on Saturday morning informercials is actually crap?
@RushinRussian: Yeah people who purchase historical items for their collection are considered hipsters.