@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: Conn, sonar! Crazy coke Ivan!
I would invest in a 4g handset instead. Buy the smartphone, use it on 3G connections and when they switch to unlimited data or higher caps change your plan. VoĆla! Lifehacking money saver.
Sony, you're smart. My bedroom needs this. I lack both necessities and to be honest, this seems like a deal breaker.
@Chris Cuttriss: I like you. You're going places.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: "Kitty no more blogging."
I normally can whip a pun for something like this but I really can't get over how much of a scum he is.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: Sadly this would be true if they were nitrogen-based. Damn you David Duchovny!
I'm pretty sure it's stops there @ Froyo. Rumors are going around that not all Froyo handsets with get the Gingerbreak update.
Top Gear! Yes please. It's a damn shame Kat when you have to say Top Gear UK. Stupid Americans for ruining a great show.
Sadly she didn't get the hint....
@zenneth: Hey careful. 3 Ninjas was part of my childhood.
@Homer Berkowitz: I'm confused by whether this pic is referencing the article or you'll just post some random pic of an actor from 3 Ninjas getting eaten by graboids.