My gf wants a netbook but also wants a gaming laptop. The M11X from Alienware suits both needs but alas, I'm strapped for cash and for that price, I can get a gaming laptop with better specs.
My gf wants a netbook but also wants a gaming laptop. The M11X from Alienware suits both needs but alas, I'm strapped for cash and for that price, I can get a gaming laptop with better specs.
@imapcgirl: Looks comfy. It's a comfy fort for your hands. You can hide in there all snuggly and put a post-it sign saying: "Man hands GTFO".
@vpcmotorsport: Your comment "stinks" of unoriginality.
@Ben Etherington: Yeah.....It's not a rabbit (anymore).
@JakeMG: Internal Combustion Boogaloo: TSA Agent: Let's grab a beer sometime.
This is amazing. Never again would I "lose" my car in the parking lot.
$1 here, $3 there. No biggie. When my internet was down for a week or two, I checked to see what RedBox and BB Video had to offer. In short, nothing better.
@Aipaloovik: Some streaming content offers subs, 5.1 digital sound and 1080i playback. Of course I"m referring to the PS3 Netflix content.
@Settings: Well at least you guys get the better concerts (festivals). Are most of them free?
@Settings: I wish we had bank days in the US.
Nothing like the sound of Doorbusting deals. I love you Cyber Monday. The only Monday in the year that I can appreciate.
@FriarNurgle: Actually you should do it totally wasted to become immune of the constant shoving. Then you'll walk out the door with a pink DSi.