Cupcakes of Doom

@truthtellah: *Ponders some more. Realizes there is no truth in existence. Dissipates into energy and becomes absorbed into the planet*

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I felt the same way about the Nintendo 3DS. How doe we know those 3D games we're really in 3D? More importantly how do we know that people from the 1950's were really in color? *ponders*

I'll love to be recorded!

Do you remember the days where the portable TV had a 3" black and white screen with an analog antenna? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

@Se7en_speed: That movie was a wildcard IMO. I'm talking about those really bad movies. You know which I speak of.

You know how you watch trailers for upcoming movies and you just know much it is going to suck? That's how I felt about the facebook phone.

@sam4sb: I couldn't remember it was Muffy or Buffy the Vampire Layer was the one I watched when I was a kid. The acting was horrible but the "scenes" were okay.

I have an idea! Why not a stereo bluetooth headset?

@Facebook: *Watching Everybody Loves Hypnotoad*

My oh my.......I caught the winning pic on #whitenoise last week. That belly button still gets me. Mmmm mmm. No timeout for me Giz. I wants.

@Crrash: And now a Doug Wilson moment:

@Y2KGTP: There is some bad juju on that site. It says $20 for 2GB on smartphones yet when you tried to add a phone to the cart you must opt for a $15 deal for 250MB. The $30 unlimited data deal still exists.

@noodle: You're confusing the concept of morality with convenience. For one to have purchased an iPod Touch solely for the purpose of communication questions why didn't he/she just opt for the iPhone instead.

While I don't agree with this idea, I am somewhat satisfied with the new tiered data plans that Verizon happend to change recently:

Her hacking skills may be somewhat fictional but her "acting" skills are not. Mmmmm. :)