"Watch As Your Thighs Grow"
"Watch As Your Thighs Grow"
@System Preferences: He is starred in another gawker media blog.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: ♫Bill and Steve were so awesome and rich . Till Bill stole his spicy chicken sandwich. They laughed at each other's jokes but not at Eric's. Because Eric always looked like a ferret.♫
@Googlo The Otaku Ninja: I remember that article. It brung back nostalgic days of my awesome Talkboy.
By the power of Grayskull! If Tron flops like a burnt pancake I swear it'll be more worse if I win this contest.
I am filing this in the Book of Awesome. Right under Zoobooks but just above Independence Day on blu ray.
@pjcard: A little different. In ad hoc, all devices are considered nodes whereas Wi-Fi Direct designates a node to become a STA or AP.
Hollywood you so stupid! I don't see an iPad. I see a potentially hot Vulcan! Mmmmm set phasers to stun!
@SewerShark: Thanks :)
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Good ole days on my school computer playing Oregon Trail. I had the more graphically updated version on the Macintosh.
@SewerShark: Wow I'm am not portuguese my friend.
This made my mouth water. I'm too young to remember these inventions when they first came to life (except maybe the walkman). That Pulsar digital watch looks very retro and cool though. I think I want one.
@FriarNurgle: Yessim. That was quite an intricate piece there.
God chooses Playstation controller over XBOX. That seems about right.
The worse part starts when you close your browser and the music still continues. Crrrreeeeeepppppyyyy.
Awesome. Your very own rice paddy for hipsters.