I'll never forget, nor will I ever buy that steaming pile of garbage, no matter how many times they drop the price and put it on sale.
I'll never forget, nor will I ever buy that steaming pile of garbage, no matter how many times they drop the price and put it on sale.
Lo Wang might actually be the best vault hunter of them all, I'd pay a extra 5 bucks to have him in my Borderlands.
I still miss that show
this post made my day! thanks!
I'm so glad I am not the only one who absolutely loved the great brain books. I even went so far as to "lose" a library copy of Me and my little brain when I was in the 4th grade so I could read it over and over again...I did not expect or enjoy the $90 price tag when the library charged me for it as my parents made…
lol, and that is the first thing that comes to mind when anyone mentions Akira to me, the original streamline dub, the one that we all watched in my friends entertainment room on laser-disc, we watched it twice through, after the first time we were like wtf did we miss!? lets watch it again and see if we can put it…
If I could be sure that it had all the stuff in it that made the original so awesome when I first played it I'd instabuy it, it was all the little fun things like this that were hidden throughout the game that really made it fun to play.
Schafer: Well, it essentially looked like a documentary. With an example game, you know, a small… it would've looked like… have you ever seen the Flash games on our website?
probably one of my favorite parts of the game making the cuccoos go insane, would have been awesome if they made the chickens in CS:GO d0 this.
would love to know how to put something like that together for my desktop, it looks pretty much amazing.
I guess I just don't consider it a GOTY edition if they aren't done releasing DLC.
I think if they made one like this I might even be tempted into getting one....
I've seen this picture before, I have wanted one of those pretty bad for several years and seeing it brings it back to the forefront lol. Now to banish it back to the what I'd buy if I had a zillion dollars list.
would be awesome if they included a oldskool mode like they did with the monkey island games.
Add this to the growing list of games I will never touch. Free to play games are horrid soul-sucking things that should be abolished to the deepest darkest pits of hell.
what show is this?
I do this too, it seems like a good way to work through problems in your head while you get stuff cleaned up
Hahah I knew if I scrolled long enough I'd find this, I played the hell out of persona on my psp and man after awhile that song was burned in my brain, now anytime anyone mentions any persona game it starts playing in the back of my head lol.