
I used to believe in the friend zone, and all that other MRA bs. Then I worked on becoming a better person and a desirable mate, and wouldn't you know it, sexual partners rained down on me like mana from heaven (which at the timeseemed miraculous, given my Seth Rogen-esque physique) Get your head outta your ass MRAs,

Crazy sex is by far the best sex you will ever have in your entire life. If I were a better man I would be having crazy sex everyday of the week, but damn, seeing someone that suffers from bi-polar disorder is draaaaiiiinnniinngg

From wikipedia: "Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary plot element, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic and magical creatures are common. Fantasy is generally distinguished from the genres of science

It would literally make no sense putting it on Xboxone before Wii U. The Wii u still has a larger install base, a better interface for thus type of thing, and a larger percentage of Wii U owners either are children or would allow their children to game on the console.

the original run of the series is on netflix, and its still pretty damn fun to watch

Ok seriously you guys, just how the funk does Nintendo keep their secrets on lockdown? Cause from what I've grown to expect pretty much every dev/pub leaks like a broken faucet, yet somehow Nintendo can keep a project secret UNTIL THE FUNKIN' DAY IT"S RELEASED!

If you mean Enemy Territory then yes. I was hoping for more of that when this was first announced.

I don't imagine there were ANY POC in the Royal Marines during when this is to supposedly take place. According to wiki only 11% of people in Russia TODAY aren't from a Caucasian background, the number I'm certain being much fewer during this time period. Were there POC in Europe at this time? Sure, a sliver, of a


Call me when they announce Mercedes Benz dlc and I'll be interested.

I really don't see why people have a problem with this. I personally love it. Article after article since the Wii U's release has been saying Nintendo needs to be doing something drastic and different and now that they have, so many here have their pitchforks and torches at the ready.

The setting is what it is, its not like modern day Russia is brimming with POC either. Diversity for diversity sake leads to stuff like the token black guy, which isn't much better. I don't expect 1886 to have much diversity either. Show me the rulebook that says because I change one facet of history in an alternate

Well she does seem more armoured up than either Tom Hardy or David Beckham. While it does make her more booby (boobish?) I think in practical terms its to allow for more range of movement.

I would umm, not expect there to be many non-Caucasians in what appears to be industrial revolution era Russia. Just like I wouldn't put in Asian people in a game during the height of the Mayan civilization, just for the sake of diversity. If this took place in the future/present day your comment would be a bit more

Functional, non-revealing female armour in a game?

As a 27 year old hetero man, if Paul Rudd looked at me like that I'd probably blush giggle like a school girl.

I unloaded a few rounds in him, realized he'd barely flinched, and ran upstairs to regroup. I searched a few rooms and scrambled back to the stairs to see if he'd followed me. Nothing. Where'd he go? Did the game hiccup? So I shrugged and went back outside to wander around a shed. Finding no way to enter the locked