

I'm hoping either Dennis Rodman or maybe some members of the Wu Tang Clan make an appearance in this game

But soon it shouldn't though right? I mean, if something is "pretty gay" then its just means its about gay stuff, like the aforementioned anime and celebrities. There's also a lot of American stuff that's pretty gay too. Russia not so much.

yeah I was gonna say, I've seen my share of Japanese things and no offense, some of it is pretty gay

I guess we'll have to file equality along with the theory of evolution and climate change as things we can't discuss around American children.

Big difference being who the games marketed to. Mass Effect was M rated so in theory your kid would need you there to buy the game.

Really there's little reason to not do this. If they offer it later as optional free dlc, maybe during world pride or something it can only garner media attention to the product and good will (mostly from millennials mind you).


The world changes quite often based on what's presented in the media. There's a reason MLK asked Nichelle Nicols to stay on Star Trek TOS.

Then uh, go on not playing the games.

I'm super excite, and this'll probably be the first game I kickstart. I wasted countless hours on the game back when I first got my ps2, and I especially loved the ability to remix tracks.

I totally do not support this. I mean sure, I'm guilty of walking and reading/commenting on my smart phone from time to ti- *Wham*

YET. Give it another 10 years or so

Well as long as you're not a dick about it there's no problem having personal tastes. The games you like for the most part aren't on Nintendo hardware ('cept the 3ds, which is a jrpg machine as far as I'm concerned)

I think you and I differ in what constitutes milking a franchise. See, Nintendo is Mario and Mario is Nintendo, the same way that you wouldn't expect Disney to all of a sudden abandon Mickey and his crew. I personally consider milking a franchise to be releasing the same product year after year with minor upgrades,

I've got enough points to see it for free, so techinically someonese is paying for the movie, but many, many good, not at all accused of rape people worked very hard to make it, seems a shame to avoid their work because of one bad egg.

Yes there are. Are they the same genre? No, they are not.

Mario has sure been in a lot of games, probably because as one of gamings most recognized faces it would be ludicrous to not use him. It'd be like telling google to stop makIng android products because they've made too much money off of them. Any other publisher would kill to have such a world famous character. And

8 games in just over twenty years , yeah, they sure are milking that franchise.